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Silver Market Updates

Silver Market Morning

April 16, 2015

New York closed at $1,202.50 up exactly $10.00 on Wednesday in NY. Asia took it up to $1,205 with London holding it there ahead of the LBMA Gold Price. The LBMA Gold price was set at $1,204.60 up $14.75 on Wednesday’s level. The euro equivalent stood at €1,129.22 up €5.55 against a weaker $: € rate of $1.0673. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading higher in London at $1,208.00 and in the euro at €1,125.71.

Another Silver Short Squeeze Looms

April 15, 2015

Back in March, Comex silver prices surged 13% in just 6 days as a massive Spec short position was squeezed. Could the same setup be appearing again, primed for squeezing later this month? It certainly appears that way. Recall first the circumstances surrounding the squeeze last month. Conventional wisdom held that the FOMC meeting of March 17-18 was going to precede some sort of announcement of an imminent Fed Funds rate hike. In anticipation, momo-chasing Spec fund money came flowing into the…

Silver and Gold Will Thrive Beyond Exponential Growth of Debt

April 15, 2015

When the reset comes, and it may be years away, would you rather hold assets that are based on debt, trust in a possibly insolvent counter-party, and denominated in the currency of an increasingly insolvent government and central bank . . . . or physical gold and silver? Do you trust real silver and gold, or unbacked paper assets based on the promises of self-serving politicians and central bankers? These should be easy questions to answer when you realize that exponentially increasing debt,…

Silver Market Morning

April 15, 2015

New York closed at $1,192.50 down $7.20 on Tuesday in NY. Asia held it there with London taking it to $1,190 ahead of the LBMA Gold Price. The LBMA Gold price was set at $1,189.85 down $1.60 on Tuesday’s level. The euro equivalent stood at €1,123.67 down €4.01 against a better $: € rate of $1.0595. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading higher in London at $1,191.45 and in the euro at €1,123.90.

Stacking Silver = Simple Solution

April 13, 2015

Keep It Simple – Stack! Governments borrow and spend, debt increases, and commodity prices inevitably follow. Silver and gold have been money for thousands of years, and still are. Paper substitutes have all failed, either slowly or rapidly, and they will continue to fail, unless governments and central banks responsibly manage the value of currencies (NOT likely).

Market Report: Strong dollar nips PMs rally in the bud

April 10, 2015

This week started well for gold and silver, but it turned out that the peak for both was on Easter Monday, since when prices have drifted lower. The news event that initially drove prices higher was the US unemployment statistics for March announced last Friday, which came in 120,000 less than expected with downward revisions for the two previous months totalling a further 69,000.

Silver Market Morning

April 10, 2015

New York closed at $1,195.10 down $8.10 on Thursday in NY. Asia left it there but London quickly lifted it up to $1,203.40. The LBMA Gold price was set at $1,201.90 up $5.90 on yesterday’s level. The euro equivalent stood at €1,132.59 up €18.22 reflecting the rising dollar. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading higher in London at $1,203.30 and in the euro at €1,134.65.

Silver Market Morning

April 09, 2015

New York closed at $1,203.20 down $7.10 on Wednesday on NY. Asia dropped it to $1,195 then London started to lift it. The LBMA Gold price was set at $1,196.00 down $15.10 on yesterday’s level. The euro equivalent stood at €1,114.37 up €0.66. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading higher in London at $1,200.00 again and in the euro at €1,114.36.

Silver Market Morning

April 08, 2015

New York closed at $1,210.30 down $5.40 on Tuesday on NY. Asia held it there as did London where the LBMA Gold price was set at $1,211.10 up $2.60 on yesterday’s level. The euro equivalent stood at €1,113.71 up €0.04. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,207.40 and in the euro at €1,112.61.

Silver Projection From Crude Oil and T-Bonds

April 07, 2015

The bottoms in the ratio and the major silver market bottoms for the past 15 years coincide almost exactly. Why? Aside from central bank management and High-Frequency-Trading concerns, crude represents real commodities and T-bonds represent debt based fiat paper currency. In simple terms it is a conflict between real commodities and paper debt. Silver represents real value and a physical commodity so a bottom in the real/paper ratio (crude to T-bonds) is consistent with bottoms in silver.

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