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Silver Will Party Like It's 1979

Hey Dudes! Looks like this grody correction might be ending and a tubular new bull leg might be upon us.It might be a good time to listen to the history rhyme before things get crazy again.Let’s take a trip back in time, shall we, to when the size of hairstyles and shoulder pads were growing to the max - as fast as the inflation rate (almost); when punk rock and new wave music set the tone for the new decade arriving: the 80s. Despite all of the fascinating and awesome social phenomena that was…

What the Silver to Gold Ratio Tells Us About Silver’s Future Moves?

In our previous essay we focused on silver’s relationship with the general stock market. Today, we think it would be interesting to revisit the silver-to-gold ratio. However, before we do that, let's check the recent price action in silver and gold.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,335.00 up $13.30. Asia took it to $1,339.00. It then Fixed in London at $1,339.50 up $16.25 and in the euro at €1,008.052 up nearly €9.00. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was at $1,338.90 and in the euro at €1,007.90.

Silver: The GSR Bottom Finder

Six of eight significant silver market lows in the past 23 years occurred when the GSR (gold to silver ratio) was > 64 and the RSI (Relative Strength Index (link) of the GSR was < 35. Silver, in late June and early July 2013, met the above criteria, along with a near record low RSI of the GSR, and a record low in the TDI Trade Signal Line.These are strongly bullish conditions.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,321.70 down $14.20 after rising $23.30 the day before. Asia held it there before London pulled it back up to trade at $1,324 ahead of the Fix. It then Fixed in London at $1,323.25 down $1.50 and in the euro at €999.056 up nearly €2.00. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was at $1,325.90 and in the euro at €1,000.83.

Gold Technicals Improve And Silver Leads

The technical outlook for gold, silver, and mining companies continues to improve.Please click here now.That’s the daily gold chart, and it looks excellent. First, note the position of my stokeillator (14,7,7 Stochastics series), at the bottom of the chart.The lines are touching, and close to generating a key buy signal.

The Recent Price Action in Silver: Breakout or Fakeout?

According to Reuters, Fed stimulus has helped fuel the S&P's gain of nearly 19 percent in 2013. The Fed is seen as moving toward reducing its $85 billion in monthly bond purchases, causing some investors to take a step back from stocks.

Silver Market Update

All the signs are that silver’s long correction is now over and that it is beginning a major uptrend. The Commercials have cleared out most of their short positions, for a massive profit of course, meaning that the slate is wiped clean for the game to start over anew. Public opinion and sentiment towards silver remains rotten, which is exactly what you expect to see at a major low, with the investing public at large, having been duly “educated” by the mainstream media, harboring a negative…

Tips for Shallow Water Metal Detecting for Gold and Silver

Many metal detectorists enjoy metal detecting in shallow water. That’s not really a surprise though since rivers and lake shores often yield significant treasures. Coins, relics, gold nuggets, silver, minerals, and more can be found in shallow waters but, to be successful in these tricky conditions, you’ll want to follow these tips from metal detecting pro Michael Bernzweig.

Miners with the Grade to Survive the Silver Downturn

It's one thing for a silver producer to make a profit at $28/oz and quite another to do the same at $20/oz, declares Chris Lichtenheldt, senior mining analyst at Dundee Capital Markets. In this interview with The Gold Report, Lichtenheldt examines the silver market, and explains the fundamentals behind his optimism.

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