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Silver Investment Demand: The Ticking Time Bomb

Even though silver investment demand has picked up recently due to the lowest prices in over two years, this may be just the tip of the iceberg for what is to come in the future. Currently, only a small fraction of investors understand silver's future potential but that will change in the next few years.

Silver Cycles: What Next?

Silver prices peaked in April 2011 and dropped about 60% over the next 25 months. Sentiment by almost any measure is currently terrible. Few are interested in silver; most have lost money (on paper) if they bought in the last two and one half years, and the emotional pain seems considerable. It reminds me of the years after the NASDAQ crash in 2000.

Silver Market Update

While silver is on the defensive short-term there is plenty of evidence that over the medium and longer-term it is setting up for a powerful rally. COT’s and sentiment are already very bullish indeed, which means that when the turn does come, the rally is likely to be accentuated by panic short covering.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,378 down $34 on Friday. China was closed well before then and will be so until Thursday. London opened slightly weaker, probably a carry-over from the close in New York on Friday. It then Fixed lower at $1,376.75 down $33.25 and in the euro at €1,041.887 down €24 while the euro was weaker at €1: $1.3214. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,379.40 and in the euro at €1,043.14.

June 6: Gold and Silver Gain While Dollar Drops

June 07, 2013

Silver Warehouse Stocks: 163,443,402.845 -761,514.402

Silver Market Morning: June 7th, 2013

June 07, 2013

The Labor numbers out of the U.S. have focused markets today. The lackluster recovery needs to confirm it is going to improve and these numbers will tell us if it is? A look across at the tumbling of the Nikkei index in Japan shows us in accelerated form how much confidence in QE succeeding is important. It has gone on for years in the U.S., but in Japan has just started. Of itself, it can’t succeed, but with the people’s confidence and the backing of government programs for growth, it can. Sad…

Shanghai Silver Stocks Decline Substantially After Price Take-down

There seems to be an interesting trend taking place in the silver warehouse stocks at the Shanghai Futures Exchange over the past two months. From May of 2012, when the Exchange started trading silver futures, until the beginning of 2013, silver warehouse stocks grew from virtually nothing to nearly 1,000 metric tonnes.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,398.20 down $13.80, yesterday, after which Asia took it up to $1,407, before London held let it slip below $1,400. It then Fixed lower at $1,396.50 down $8.75 and in the euro at €1,068.89 down €5.80 while the euro was stronger at €1: $1.3065. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,398.75 and in the euro at €1,070.72.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,412.00 up $27.10 yesterday after which Asia took it down to $1,405, before London held it there. It then Fixed lower at $1,405.25 up $8.50 and in the euro at €1,074.697 €2 while the euro was stronger at €1: $1.3076. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,397.80 and in the euro at €1,067.59.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,384.90 down $28.90 on Friday after which Asia lifted it to $1,398, before London took it over 1,400. It then Fixed lower at $1,396.75 and in the euro at €1,072.61 down €13 while the euro was €1: $1.3022. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,395.50 and in the euro at €1,073.38.

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