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Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,669.3 down nearly $30 in two days. This morning there was no rush to support the price or turn it around. It slipped slightly as the euro continued to strengthen to $1,667.00 where it Fixed this morning, In the euro it was Fixed at €1,259.254 down €30 on two days ago, while the euro was slightly stronger at €1: $1.3238. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was $1,670.40 and in the euro at €1,259.97. TV: Gold Confiscation? Will the Chinese Yuan replace the US Dollar? An interview with Julian Phillips TV presents an exclusive interview with South Africa's top gold analyst, Julian Phillips ( He discusses several topics with interviewer Jonathan Roth (, including: - Will the Chinese Yuan replace the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency? - Will gold continue to climb while paper currencies depreciate? - Could gold be confiscated by national governments?

GATA's Bill Murphy & Chris Powell call out Gold and Silver Market Manipulation Conspiracy Critics

Bill Murphy & Chris Powell go in studio to talk with Lauren Lyster on CapitalAccount.

Silver Deceptions: Large Surpluses & Low Production Cost

There are two misconceptions about the silver market that are still held by many investors in the precious metals community. One is the notion that the world produces large annual silver surpluses and the other is the low cost of mining silver. Some have argued that the investors have been deceived by certain aspects of the silver industry to believe these two fabrications.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,698.00 up nearly $4. Asian and London dealers moved gold up again, in line with the euro. Gold Fixed at $1,699.50 up $9 on yesterday’s fixing. In the euro it was Fixed at €1,289.258 up €4 while the euro was slightly stronger at €1: $1.3182. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was $1,699.00 and in the euro at €1,288.02.

Silver is money too

As we discovered with the Long Term Capital Management implosion in 1998 and the Bear Stearns, AIG and WaMu failures a decade later, no bank or insurer can withstand the chain reaction of margin calls that occur when the unexpected happens in markets on which these derivative contracts are based. No government – least of all the US one – has the funds to bailout the system. This means in the event of another banking crisis, they will rely on central banks to print more imaginary money, that is …

Investment Demand is the Real Key to Rising Silver Prices!

It is my view at that the outlook for silver prices in 2013 is simply higher! I say “simply higher” because the trend for silver prices in 2013 will be higher as the year moves on. More importantly I say “simply” because the reasons that will drive silver prices up are very simple to understand. This article outlines a conclusion that I always thought might be the underlying reason for rising silver prices but hadn’t yet come to a final conclusion. It has taken me over…

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,694.20. While Asian and London dealers moved gold down in line with the euro at the start of the week. Gold Fixed at $1,690.00 down $6.50 on Friday’s a.m. fixing. In the euro it was Fixed at €1,285.269 down €15 while the euro was slightly stronger at €1: $1.3149. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was $1,691.30 and in the euro at €1,285.43.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,697.10 down $14. While Asian dealers were quiet overnight and gold prices held up, in London there was a battle to push them down. Gold Fixed at $1,696.50 $1.75 higher than yesterday. In the euro it was Fixed at €1,297.316 down nearly €2 while the euro was slightly stronger at €1: $1.3077. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was $1,696.60.00 and in the euro at €1,295.70.

China Playing a Major Role in Global Silver Market

China’s role in the global silver market has dramatically changed over the past decade. Once a small player in the global market, China today is the world’s leading market for both physical investment and paper trading of silver futures and other similar products, and is the second largest silver fabricator today. Chinese demand for the white metal is expected to achieve further strong growth in the years ahead, according to a report by Thomson Reuters GFMS released today by the Silver…

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