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Silver Market Morning

New York pulled back slightly to $1,254.10 from $1,255 at the close on Tuesday. Asia took it to $1,255.30 ahead of the opening in London. The dollar traded barely changed at $1.3664. London held it around there until it Fixed at $1,254.75 up $1.25 on Tuesday. In the euro, it Fixed at €917.886 down €1.237 reflecting a slightly stronger dollar which stood at $1.3670. Ahead of the opening in New York gold stood at $1,259.05 and in the euro at €921.47.

David Morgan: 'The Silver Bottom Is In: Time to Hold, Add and Ride It Out'

When the bulls are running for the doors, that is a sign that we have hit bottom and wise investors should hold on to their portfolios for the ride up, says Editor David Morgan in this interview with The Gold Report . It may take a couple of resource war-addled years for gold and silver prices to move back to profitable levels, but the right companies could make money all the way up.

The Coming Economic Collapse Will Be Far Worse Than Most Realize

Citizens of the U.S. and world are heading into a future that few have prepared. It will also turn out to be much worse than most realize as it will be unlike anything we have witnessed in the past. Part of the reason we are in such a bad fix has to do with the compartmentalization and specialization of our modern educational and economic system. There are many intelligent people in the market doing smart things, however they have no clue on what the hell is going on in other industries or…

Silver Market Update

While gold has rallied across its downtrend channel in recent weeks to arrive at its top boundary, silver has arrived at the upper boundary of its channel by limping sideways. Next week is decision time – either it breaks out upside from the channel or it drops into another downleg. The technicals suggest that it will do the latter, but also that this will likely mark the drop into the final low before an important reversal to the upside takes place.

The Financial Cancer is No Longer Dormant

January 24, 2014

If this is indeed “the Big One,” the timeframe to PROTECT oneself may run out very, very quickly. Hopefully, you have spent the past five years preparing for the inevitable, global currency crash; and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? All aspects of one’s life should be considered; but when it comes to the financial aspect, only PHYSICAL gold and silver have maintained their purchasing power throughout similar crises – and likely, will benefit more than any other asset class from what…

Silver Market Morning

New York saw gold jump to $1,262 from $1,237 before closing at $1,259. Asia held it slightly higher ahead of the opening in London. The dollar traded at $1.3686 somewhat weaker than yesterday. London traded it up until the Fixing, which was set at $1,259.25 up $15.00 on Thursday. In the euro, it Fixed at €920.437 up €7.561 reflecting a weaker dollar which stood at $1.3730, down a cent. The Fix was set higher than the market was trading showing strong demand. Ahead of the opening in New York…

Silver Market Morning

On Friday the gold price in New York closed higher at $1,254 with Asia lifting it $1.2 higher to $1,256. The dollar was stronger at $1.3556: €1. In London the gold price was Fixed at $1,254.75 up $13.75 on Friday. In the euro, it Fixed at €925.878 up €13.246. Ahead of the opening in New York gold stood at $1,254.90 and in the euro at €925.99. The dollar stood at $1.3551: €1

Silver – The Power Of Thought Will Ultimately Prevail

It has become universally recognized that the power of thought can change anything. Silver remains incredibly undervalued, and that bodes well for all of us silver stackers. The fact that silver and gold have purposefully been suppressed by the moneychangers makes the future for the next price rise to be greater than ever. Any time anything has been artificially manipulated, it makes the ultimate outcome far worse than was planned by those doing everything possible to prevent a rise in prices…

Something’s afoot in Gold and Silver…

January 17, 2014

Furthermore the bullion banks in silver appear to be getting nervous. On a number of recent occasions in quiet trade silver has been marked down with little or no corresponding move in gold, only to fully recover in the absence of selling. This pattern is consistent with market-makers (a.k.a. the bullion banks) trying to close their shorts, but there is not the liquidity for them to do so. The next chart, of the four largest traders’ net position says it all.

Interview with Eric Sprott

January 17, 2014

Last question is without having a crystal ball scenario going on here, what is your pick for the December 31, 2014 closing price of gold? Eric Sprott: Over $2,000 per oz. What about silver? Eric Sprott: Over $50 per oz.

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