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Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,272.70 up $2.50 on Monday. Asia held it there ahead of London’s opening. At the Fix, gold was set at $1,255.50 down $21.25. In the euro it Fixed at €929.487 down €12. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,255.50 and in the euro at €929.24.

Debt Ceiling, Schmedt Ceiling...

As I write this Monday morning, Congress still hasn’t extended the federal debt ceiling and the government is still shut down - or at least some of it is. I for one have yet to lose any sleep over this situation as I simply assume that at the last minute Congress will extend the debt ceiling and send all furloughed federal workers back to their jobs.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,270.20 down $17.20 on Friday. Asia lifted gold $6 ahead of London’s opening. At the Fix, gold was set at $1,276.75. In the euro it Fixed at €941.491. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,277.80 and in the euro at €942.12.

How Will You Sell Your Silver?

People ask me, "How will I sell my silver if the dollar dies, or during chaotic times?" Or, "If there are no dollars, what would I sell my silver for?" Another variation of this question is, "Why would I want silver if I can't spend it?" And advanced traders ask, "What is the exit strategy?"

David Morgan: “During The Last Bull Market, A Lot Of People Gave Up At $100 Gold”

During a time of ongoing pain in the precious metals and mining sector, David Morgan, publisher of The Morgan Report, was kind enough to share comment. David began studying the silver market at age 9, participated first-hand in the 1970’s bull market, and over the last 40 years has become one of the world’s most experienced silver investors--earning him the title of “The Silver Guru”.

Campaign to kill PM sentiment one for the text books

Campaign: “Kill - and/or dramatically reverse - PM sentiment” Target Audience: Anyone who has ever invested in precious metals or might consider investing in precious metals in the future.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,287.40 down $18.90 on yesterday. Asia lifted gold $6 ahead of London’s opening. At the Fix, gold was set at $1,285.75 down $12.25 on yesterday. In the euro it Fixed at €947.145 down nearly €12.5. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading at $1,287.00 and in the euro at €960.97.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,306.30 down $13.00 on yesterday. Asia held gold there ahead of London’s opening. At the Fix, gold was set at $1,298.00 down $11 on yesterday. In the euro it Fixed at €959.56 down €8.75. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading at $1,300.00 and in the euro at €960.97.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,319.40 down $3.00 on yesterday. Asia took gold $2 lower ahead of London’s opening. At the Fix, gold was set at $1,309 down $12 on yesterday. In the euro it Fixed at €968.279 down €4.9. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading at $1,310.30 and in the euro at €968.91.

Silver Leads Gold Higher

Chinese investors should be back on the “gold buying job” today. To understand why that is, please click here now. Twice a year, Chinese citizens celebrate “Golden Week”. Businesses are generally closed, and workers spend time with their families. Chinese gold buyers should become quite active in the next few days, as Golden Week ends, and the nation goes back to work. India's Diwali festival is also approaching. In the coming weeks, physical demand for gold is likely to be relatively strong.

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