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A Historical Perspective Of A Precious Metal Price Correction

When trying to determine when a market correction may be ending, it only makes sense to look at past corrections to help determine a general guideline. This really does not have to be a complicated process and the results from some quick analysis can be quite helpful.

Silver is Following its 1970s Pattern

The cyclical bear market in Silver is serving its purpose. Its correcting and digesting the 6-fold advance that took place in less than two and a half years. A similar correction took place in the mid 1970s that led to the parabolic move to $50. Amazingly, if you line up Silver’s performance from its 1971 low to 1980 high with Silver’s performance since its 2008 bottom, you’ll notice strong parallels.

Silver Market Morning

Gold closed in New York at $1,561.00 yesterday. The gold price was Fixed in London at $1,548.00 and in the euro at €1,186.293, while the euro was at €1: $1.3049. Ahead of New York’s opening it traded at $1,548.80 and in the euro at €1,186.05.

Dip in Silver Prices Means Higher Premiums for U.S. Silver Coins

There are few better barometers to gauge demand for bullion products on the street than the dealer to dealer premiums on those products. For old U.S. silver coins in moldy canvas bags premiums are on the rise as the price of silver has been doing the opposite. Premiums are the amount over the current spot or cash price paid or collected in a bullion transaction. The opposite is, predictably, called a discount.

Silver Market Morning

Gold closed in New York at $1,558.70 down $26.20 on yesterday. The gold price was Fixed in London at $1,555.75 and in the euro at €1,189.593, while the euro was at €1: $1.3078. Ahead of New York’s opening it traded at $1,559.15 and in the euro at €1,187.15.

Silver Market Morning

Gold closed in New York at $1,584.70 up $12.20 on yesterday. In Asia and London it traded slightly higher at $1,586.80 ahead of the Fix in London which was set at $1,581.50 up $9 and in the euro at €1,207.160 up just €2, while the euro was at €1: $1.3101 cents. Ahead of New York’s opening it traded at $1,578.45 and in the euro at €1,206.30.

Silver Premiums, Demand & Shortages

Back in 2008, silver fell from over $20 per ounce down to below $10. This was a stomach-turning experience for those who had begun investing heavily in the metal. I heard reports of bullion dealers in the US who simply were not selling Monster Boxes of Silver Eagles. Physical metal was hard to find in spite of the price collapse.

Silver Market Morning

Gold closed in New York at $1,572.50 down $6.50 on yesterday. In Asia and London it traded slightly higher at $1,575 ahead of the Fix in London which was set at $1,572.50 down nearly $5 and in the euro at €1,205.258 down nearly €7, while the euro was at €1: $1.3047 cents. Ahead of New York’s opening it traded at $1,574.90 and in the euro at €1,206.31.

Silver Market Morning

Gold closed in New York at $1,579 up nearly $26 on Friday. In Asia and London it traded slightly lower at $1,576.5 ahead of the Fix in London which was set at $1,577.25 and in the euro at €1,212.803 while the euro was at €1: $1.3005 cents. Ahead of New York’s opening it traded at $1,578.70 and in the euro at €1,211.96.

Silver Market Morning

Gold closed in New York at $1,553.10 up $5 on yesterday, as the price fall slowed then turned. In Asia and London it traded slightly lower to $1,550 ahead of the Fix in London which was set at $1,552.75 up $7.50 and in the euro at €1,201.354 down €6 while the euro was at €1: $1.2925 up 1.25 cents. Ahead of New York’s opening it traded at $1,554.40 and in the euro at €1,202.91.

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