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Silver Market Updates

Silver Market Morning

September 14, 2012

New York closed at $1,766.30 up $34. Asia took it to $1,776. The euro jumped nearly a cent and a half to $1.3047. The gold price was Fixed at $1,772.50 up $40 on yesterday morning and in the euro at €1,359.696 up €20 as the rise in the euro took it to $1.3035. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,773.00 and in the euro at €1,360.24.

Silver Market Morning

September 13, 2012

New York closed at $1,732.00 the same now for three days. Asia and London are holing it at $1,730.75. The euro is still rising at rose in London’s morning to €1: $1.2914. The gold price was Fixed at $1,730.50 down $12 on yesterday morning and in the euro at €1,339.811 down €12 as the rise in the euro to $1,2919 held. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,731.05 and in the euro at €1,340.44.

Silver Market Morning

September 12, 2012

New York closed at $1,732.10 the same as yesterday’s close. Asia and London took it higher to $1,736.17. The euro is still rising at rose in London’s morning to €1: $1.2862. The gold price was Fixed at $1,742.75 up $11.75 on yesterday morning and in the euro at €1,352.227 the same as yesterday as the rise in the euro to $1,2973 carried gold with it. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,743.77 and in the euro at €1,349.67.

Silver Bars or Coins? What to Buy?

September 11, 2012

There is no “one size fits all” answer. Let’s examine the pros and cons for each group of investments. These are my opinions; do your own research and choose what works best for your circumstances.

Silver Market Morning

September 11, 2012

New York closed at $1,732. Asia and London held it at that level. The euro is still rising at rose in London’s morning to €1: $1.2802. The gold price was Fixed at $1,731.00 and in the euro at €1,352.766. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,732.28 and in the euro at €1,354.03.

Investors in US Stockmarkets set up to be Fleeced

September 10, 2012

The latest COTs show Commercial short and Large Spec long positions for silver are at levels that in the past have marked reversal points. Could these readings get even higher? – anything is possible, they could fly off the scale, but this is clearly becoming an increasingly dangerous trade on the long side on a short-term basis at least.

Greatest Silver Chart Of All-Time

September 09, 2012

For more of this kind of analysis on silver and gold, you are welcome to subscribe to my free silver and gold newsletter or premium service. I have also recently completed a Long-term Silver Fractal Analysis Report.

Silver Market Morning

September 07, 2012

New York closed at $1,700.30. Asia pulled it back to $1,692 but London then pulled it up again to $1,695 early in London’s morning ahead of the Fixing. The euro rose in London’s morning to €1: $1.2674 up 0.6 of a cent. The gold price was Fixed at $1,696.00 and in the euro at €1,337.750. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,695.46 and in the stronger euro at €1,335.85.

Silver Market Morning

September 06, 2012

New York closed at $1,693.6. London and Asia lifted it over the $1,700 barrier to $1,703, before London took it higher ahead of the Fixing to $1.709.30. The euro rose in London’s morning to €1: $1.2614. The gold price was Fixed at $1,708.50 and in the euro at €1,355.092. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,709.16 and in the euro at €1,354.54.

Silver Market Morning

September 05, 2012

London gold closed at $1,695.30 after Fixing in London at the p.m. Fix at $1,697. The euro slipped back in London’s morning to €1: $1.2512 down 0.88 of a cent. London then pulled the gold price back with the euro to $1,689 before the morning Fix. The morning Fix in London was set at $1,689.50 down two dollars and in the euro at €1,349.225 almost the same as yesterday’s p.m. Fix. Ahead of New York’s opening gold stood at $1,691.40 and in the euro at €1,348.37.

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