
The fight for free and fair pricing in the precious metals lost a longtime advocate with the passing of Ted Butler. Few have fought against the bullion banks as vigorously as Ted, and now we must continue the battle in his honor.
Please find Ted Butler's articles archived below:
More From Ted Butler
June 21, 2019
Why is JPMorgan Above the Law?
June 13, 2019
India Reacts to Depressed Silver Prices
May 31, 2019
The CFTC’s Summer Camp Letter
May 02, 2019
A Voice From the Grave?
April 22, 2019
The Annual Silver Surveys
April 04, 2019
Confirmation, Outrage and Disgust
March 21, 2019
On The Hot Seat
February 21, 2019
Mr. Butler's Silver Newsletter - Icing on the Cake
February 14, 2019
A New Silver Issue for the Justice Department