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Silver Market Updates

Decline of the dollar – the consequences

October 23, 2015

There are signs that the US dollar, instead of consolidating the sharp rise that peaked last March, might be reversing its previously rising trend.

Silver Market Morning: October-22-2015

October 22, 2015

New York was trading at $1,171.70 on Thursday after closing at $1,170.20 on Monday. The LBMA price setting fixed it at $1,166.40. The dollar Index has risen and now stands at 95.92 against 94.61 last Friday and the dollar was trading against the euro at $1.1182 up from against last Friday’s $1.1354. In the euro the fixing was €1,043.10 up from €1,035 last Friday. At New York’s opening gold was trading in the euro at €1,046.45 and at $1,169.35.

Silver Short Term Update

A short update on the silver situation is shown in the daily price chart below. After a short ride along the upper portion of our Bollinger Band setup, silver has come off it to approach its 20 day moving average. Trends tend to follow the channel formed by the upper or lower bands and the middle moving average. However, when there is price volatility during times of change between long term bull and bear markets, trading decisions need to be more carefully considered.

Another Smoking Gun: US Silver Eagle Allocation Conspiracy

October 19, 2015

Due to the REQUIREMENTS of the US Silver Eagle law, the US Mint must produce coins "in quantities sufficient to meet public demand" which puts the US Mint in the unique position among all the other buyers of silver blanks as being REQUIRED to be the HIGHEST BIDDER for silver blank production when global supplies of US Silver Eagles are NOT meeting demand. By holding back the higher bids for physical silver the US Mint is participating in the price suppression that has distorted the supply…

Leveraging Silver with Mining Stocks

October 18, 2015

Any seasoned silver investor will tell you that silver mining stocks can leverage the price of silver. Pick the right company and it will leverage the silver price increase multiple times. But which ones should you choose to invest in? The potential leverage can work both ways as the money invested in a stock disappears faster than the corresponding drop in the silver price.

Silver as money

October 16, 2015

Gold is money, admittedly not often circulating as such today. Fiat currencies issued by governments have driven gold out of circulation. But where does this leave silver?

Market Report: Solid demand for PMs

October 16, 2015

Driving precious metal prices was dollar weakness, and the widely-followed US Dollar index (DXY) is now technically vulnerable to a significant drop. This weakness ties in with a gradual acceptance that dollar interest rate rises are on hold indefinitely. Furthermore, the usual chorus of Keynesian economists is beginning to talk about the necessity of negative interest rates, which would probably guarantee a substantial fall in the dollar, and a corresponding rise in commodity prices, bringing…

Green Light Silver

October 16, 2015

Silver looks like it has bottomed and will move substantially higher. Why? Long Term – 25+ years: Examine the silver to gold ratio since 1990. The ratio is currently low and appears to have bottomed. Silver bottoms when the ratio bottoms. Expect a multi-year rally.

Silver Market Morning: October-13-2015

October 13, 2015

New York closed with the gold price at $$1,162.40 up from $1,157.30. In Asia this morning gold fell back to $1,156 ahead of London’s opening. The gold price was set at $1,154.40 down from $1,164.20 at the LBMA gold setting. The dollar Index was almost unchanged at 94.76 from 94.72 and the dollar was trading against the euro at $1.1390 down from $1.1379. In the euro the fixing was €1,013.35 down from €1,023.11. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading at $1,154.65 and in the euro at €1,013…

Update on the Gold Silver Ratio

October 12, 2015

I posted an article on the gold-silver ratio (GSR) back in February 2009 which you can find here. My closing words were that “it looks like a top was set back in late January”. By that I meant a top in the GSR, not the price of silver which clearly had suffered a large drop during the mass sell-offs of the Credit Crunch. When the GSR peaks, the price of silver tends to bottom and that clearly came to pass as silver began a run up to $50 two years later.

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