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Silver Market Morning

July 20, 2015

New York closed at $1,133.90 down $11.20. In Asia the gold price fell $20 to $1,113 ahead of London’s opening. London barely lifted it back to $1,115. The dollar was stronger at $1.0834 up from $1.089, against the euro, with the dollar Index at 98.02 up from 97.54. The LBMA gold price was set this morning at $1,115 down $28.00, after a heavy sale at the close in New York on Friday. The euro equivalent was €1,029.31 down €20.08. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,114…

Good Sign for Silver in the Short Term

July 18, 2015

A few weeks back the US Mint announced that US Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew, had ordered them to stop selling the #1 retail silver coin in the world...the 1oz Silver Eagle. He ordered it because too many were being sold at the low, manipulated silver price below $15/oz and he knew that there was more pain to come in the silver price suppression so he cut off supply to slow the physical dishoarding of the remaining stockpiles of silver.

Extremes become more extreme

July 17, 2015

Gold and silver continued to drift lower over the course of the week, with gold trading at $1,145 and silver at $15.02 in early European trade this morning. This is close to the lowest prices we have seen since 2010. At the same time equities have rallied strongly and the S&P 500 Index is within a whisker of its all-time high.

Take the Low Risk Road

July 17, 2015

The S&P 500 Index has hit numerous new highs in the past three years. Note the log-scale graph below and the broken support lines from 2000 and 2007. The current support line, depending on where it is drawn, is on the verge of breaking.

Silver Market Morning

July 17, 2015

New York closed at $1,145.10 down $4.20 with Asia and London holding it there in line with the moves in the dollar against the euro. The dollar was stronger at $1.089 up from $1.0934 against the euro with the dollar Index at 97.54 up from 97.27. The LBMA gold price was set this morning at $1,143.00 down $2.10 again, in reaction to the rising dollar. The euro equivalent was €1,049.39 down €1.69. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,144.30 and in the euro at €1,050.54.

Another Comex Oddity

July 16, 2015

I'd like to draw to your attention today to something that relates to the recent stories of "silver supply tightness". As you know, there is all sorts of anecdotal evidence being reported of retail physical silver supply tightness. I'd like to show you something extremely unusual that may be the first sign of a wholesale supply tightness.

Silver Market Morning

July 16, 2015

New York closed at $1,149.30 down $5.90 with Asia and London taking it $2 lower. The dollar was stronger at $1.0934 down from $1.1011 against the euro with the dollar Index at 97.27 up from 96.66 before London opened. The LBMA gold price was set this morning at $1,145.10 down $9.65 in reaction to the rising dollar. The euro equivalent was €1,051.08 up €3.55. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,145.20 and in the euro at €1,051.32.

Silver Market Morning

July 15, 2015

New York closed at $1,155.20 down $2.70 with Asia and London holding it there. The dollar was weaker at $1,1011 down from $1.0992 against the euro with the dollar Index at 96.66 down from 96.94 before London opened. The LBMA gold price was set this morning at $1,154.75 up $1.55. The euro equivalent was €1,047.53 up €2.02. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,155.00 and in the euro at €1,047.90.

How to Obtain Silver Coins and Rounds in Short Supply

July 14, 2015

There are two kinds of constraints when it comes to supply in the physical markets, and anyone building a position in physical metal needs to know the difference. The first type is temporary. The other signals a sea change, the rush for physical metal going mainstream. When it happens, it’ll be “go time” in the physical markets. The time get your hands on products widely available at low premiums will be over.

Silver Pretty, Silver Ugly

July 14, 2015

But national debt has increased exponentially since 1971 about 9% per year and about 10% per year since October 2008. Silver prices have erratically increased from $1.39 in 1971 to nearly $50 in April 2011 and have fallen to about $16.00 today. The increase in national debt parallels price increases in crude oil, postage, food, cigarettes, many consumer goods, and silver.

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