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Silver Market Updates

Silver Market Morning

August 05, 2015

On Friday New York closed at $1,088.20 up $1.90. The dollar is relatively strong at $1.0860 up from $1.0977, with the dollar Index stronger at 98.12 up from 97.32. This morning the LBMA gold price was set at $1,086.50 down from $1,092.60 down $6.10. The euro equivalent was unchanged from yesterday. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London above $1,091.50 and in the euro at €1,001.15.

Leaving the Information Grid

August 04, 2015

We've been off the information grid for nearly a month now. Oh, we've still got electricity, the internet, the gas and water and sewer connexions, but a month ago the satellite went away at our command, so no more government and corporate news at 6 p.m. or the Sunday morning food-fights.

Silver Market Morning

August 04, 2015

On Friday New York closed at $1,086.30 down $8.90. The dollar is relatively unchanged at $1.0977, with the dollar Index almost the same at 97.32. This morning the LBMA gold price was set at $1,092.60 down $0.40. The euro equivalent was €995.35 down €1.96 on Monday. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,093.10 and in the euro at €995.76.

Investment Silver Demand Draining COMEX Vaults

August 03, 2015

If there are words to characterize the precious metals markets for July, it would be “divergences” and “shortages.” There was heavy selling in the leveraged futures market and extraordinary buying demand and shortages in physical coins, rounds, and bars.

Silver Market Morning

August 03, 2015

On Friday New York closed at $1,095.20 up $8.10. The dollar is relatively unchanged at $1.0970, with the dollar Index almost the same at 97.37. This morning the LBMA gold price was set at $1,093 up $12.95. The euro equivalent was €997.31 up €12.22 on Friday. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,092.20 and in the euro at €996.62.

The Silver Manipulation Con Continues at the Highest Levels of Government

August 01, 2015

The US Mint is not a very good liar. They are manipulating their sales data to stifle silver investor sentiment. My fight with the US Mint goes back 7 years. I wrote them in June 2008 to point out that stopping production of the US Silver Eagles was AGAINST THE LAW because the law required them to produce SAE's "in quantities sufficient to meet public demand." Since that time, and through my continual pestering over the years, they CHANGED THE LAW to make the US Treasury Secretary the one who…

Markets In Limbo

July 31, 2015

Precious metals appear to be in limbo: speculative buyers are discouraged above all by their disappointing performance during the Greek crisis, and the possibility that a Chinese stock market crash might lead to forced selling of gold by Chinese speculators. So far, the latter concern has proved unfounded with public demand in China accelerating on lower prices and exceeding global mine output on its own. As well as Chinese demand, anecdotal evidence tells us that at these prices physical…

Silver Market Morning

July 31, 2015

On Wednesday New York closed at $1,088.10 down $9.10. The dollar was unchanged at $1.0964, with the dollar Index almost the same at 97.36. This morning the LBMA gold price was set at $1,080.05 down $5.60. The euro equivalent was €985.09 down €4.34 on yesterday. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,081.00 and in the euro at €986.31.

Wrapping Up July Comex Silver Deliveries

July 30, 2015

Again, I can't overstate how unusual this is and how different it is from the norm. In a "normal" month where total deliveries came in at 85%, we would have seen about 2,300 total deliveries. Instead, we saw 3,637. Therefore, we're left to conclude that and additional 1,300 contracts were demanded for immediate delivery in July. This means that someone or something funded their account with 100% margin, jumped the "queue" and demanded immediate delivery of 6,500,000 ounces of silver. At prices…

Silver Market Morning

July 30, 2015

On Wednesday New York closed at $1,097.20 up another $1.60. The dollar was a cent stronger at $1.0963, with the dollar Index stronger at 97.31 up from 96.64. This morning the LBMA gold price was set at $1,085.65 down $1.10. The euro equivalent was €989.43 down €1.80 on yesterday. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,087.00 and in the euro at €992.11.

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