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A SOLUTION TO THE MONETARY PROBLEM: A Chicken in Every Pot and A Bitcoin Miner on Every iPhone

In January 2015 the People of Greece voted the anti-austerity Syriza party into power and appointed Alexis Tsipras as their new Prime Minister. The mandate from the people was clear: No Austerity. Over the next 6 months Tsipras and his finance minister Yanis Varoufakis negotiated with a group of EU finance ministers about a bailout threatening to leave the Eurozone if they did not get their wishes...a bailout without austerity measures. Ultimately, the negotiations failed as the EU negotiators held the ultimate trump card: shutting down the monetary system in Greece.

In June of 2015 a referendum was held and 61% of the Greek people voted against the bailout/austerity measures demanded by the European Union but given no other viable monetary system options, the Greek Parliament passes the 86B euro bailout package with considerable austerity measures that must be implemented at certain points along the "long road to recovery."

So the People lost to the Banksters once again.

You may be in the mindset of most of Greece these days - what can we do to get rid of these criminals? How do we exercise our sovereign rights when someone else controls our monetary system? Are the only options to either succumb to their demands or face a shut down of our entire system of exchange and commerce? Returning to the Drachma or creating a new national currency will surely be easily destroyed by the banking powers in the computer/derivative controlled "free markets" and setting up a gold/silver standard would take time and metal...neither of which are in great supply.

So the world is stuck in this broken system without viable options.

But what if there was a 3rd option that could be easily implemented and is completely separate from the current monetary system? What if the Greek people were able to turn to something NEW to keep their economy functioning without the support of the EU Monetary Rulers? If there were something like that then the balance of power in the "negotiations" that took place would have shifted to Greece. They did not need to use this new system - just have it available if the EU negotiators would not budge.

Enter Bitcoin and a NEW technological advancement in the Bitcoin mining process that can change the balance of power OVERNIGHT! Something so revolutionary that it will give the PEOPLE of ANY NATION the power to stand up to the banking cabal once and for all and say - NO MORE!!

Sounds too good to be true right? (especially if your are skeptical of Bitcoin to start with!)

But here's how it would work and here's how close we are to implementation:

The biggest issue with using Bitcoin as a form of currency and a means of exchange is the adoption many people have bitcoin and are using bitcoin to buy and sell things. The population of bitcoin users is too small and at the rate that it is being adopted it would take decades for it to take hold. We don't have decades!

Enter a company called 21Inc. that has developed a mirco Bitcoin mining processor that can mine for Bitcoins from any electronic device that is connected to the internet. ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE!!

A Bitcoin Miner in Every Device and in Every Hand

21 is now officially open for business -- and business development. After much hard work, we've created an embeddable mining chip which we call the BitShare that comes in a variety of form factors. The 21 BitShare can be embedded into an internet-connected device as a standalone chip or integrated into an existing chipset as a block of IP to generate a continuous stream of digital currency for use in a wide variety of applications.

What this means is that your computer, laptop, iPad and even iPhone can continuously be mining micro amounts of Bitcoin whenever you are connected to he internet!

THIS IS A BIG, BIG DEAL and here's how it will change the WORLD:

THE SCENARIO: Sometime in 2016

With the world on it's financial knees from the collapse of the global financial markets the people are looking for a solution. The leaders of the markets have lost all credibility as scandal after scandal has been revealed. People are revolted by those who gamed the system at the expense of 99.9% of the world population. The anger towards the .1% is total and consuming potentially leading to lynch mobs and public executions but cooler heads prevail as the anger is redirected towards public trials and legal prosecutions for the worst offenders. The anti-audterity/anti-banker/anti-government movement has spread throughout the world and the people are desperately looking for new ways to move forward.

Some have turned to trading goods and services for precious metals but the metals are too concentrated in the hands of a few people to be very useful as a means of exchange for everyone. The metals are also hoarded by the people that hold them so not much metal is getting into circulation as money. The choices are very limited and there is even talk of having to go back to using un-backed fiat money again - which nobody is in favor of.

After many rumors and rumblings about something very big being announced, Apple Computer, puts out a strange press release that is sent over social media announcing the following:

"The life's ambition of Apple Computer's founder, Steve Jobs, has come to fruition as today we announce the release of the new iPhone 7 - a device that will literally "CHANGE THE WORLD"...

"The iPhone 7 will be given away for FREE to EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD WHO WANTS ONE! They have all been built and are ready to be distributed immediately."

End of transmission.

At first, the world thinks it's a prank but then Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, comes on the television and reiterates that exact same message... FREE iPHONES FOR THE WORLD!

WHAT? That can't be. How can that be? How can Apple give away Billions of free versions of their newest iPhone?

Cook goes on to explain that not only are the iPhones being given away for free but every single one of them comes with a Bitcoin Wallet App installed and $20 of Bitcoin already in the wallet which is linked in with ApplePay. The phones also have a micro Bitcoin Mining Chip installed that will GROW YOUR BITCOIN BALANCE OVER TIME. It is being called the ApplePay/Bitcoin Implementation Program.

This installed Bitcoin can be used to buy goods at any retail store willing to participate in the program which will generate global sales in the TRILLIONS of DOLLARS over time so there is very little incentive for retailers NOT to participate. Amazon, Walmart, Costco, The Home Depot and Starbucks have already installed Bitcoin Payment Registers and will accept Bitcon payments from your iPhone starting today.

Apple expects the majority of the population to take advantage of this offer and the automatic and seamless entrance of Billions of people on the Bitcoin payment system provides the world with an alternative to the Un-Backed/Controlled fiat Monetary System that is now so despised.

For Apple shareholders this is not a charitable act. This "free phone giveaway" will be one of the most successful wealth generators in the history of the company. Of every Bitcoin mined by the iPhone 7, 50% of these newly created Bitcoins go directly into the users Bitcoin Wallet and 50% will be split between Apple and 21Inc, the company that invented the new technology. This constant flow of Bitcoin income will be the fuel to take the Apple Computer into the future.


And what would this mean to countries like Greece that had NO ALTERNATIVE but to bow down before their Monetary Controllers?





That my friends is a plausible scenario of how we can remove the current control mechanisms and put the power back in the hands of the people. For those who think it will NEVER happen...there are rumors circulating that IT ALREADY IS HAPPENING and Apple is only waiting for the Global Monetary Meltdown to make the announcement!

Or are they waiting?...

Apple Working On iPhone-to-iPhone Payments As Tim Cook Says It Does Not Want To Become A Bank

It has long been speculated that Apple Inc. could make a push into the financial services industry, but on the same day that CEO Tim Cook publicly declared his company "does not want to become a bank," a new report suggests Apple is working on a mobile payment system to allow iPhone users to send money to each other using only their phones.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple is working on the new system, which would allow iPhone users to ditch cash and credit cards in favor of using an expanded version of Apple Pay to send money to each other, enabling people to split bills in restaurants, pay rent in shared flats or simply pay someone back.

Apple was granted a patent for a person-to-person payments system earlier this year, making this move not a huge surprise from the iPhone maker, but speculation that it wanted to become a financial institution of its own were shot down by CEO Tim Cook on Tuesday. At a talk at Trinity College Dublin during his visit to Ireland where he announced a significant expansion at the company's European headquarters, he said: "Nobody wants to become a bank anymore. And we don't want to become a bank."


All I have to say is that sometimes TRUTH is stranger than FICTION.

Time will tell if the scenario I laid out comes true but it is clear to me that we now really do have the technology and ability to CHANGE THE WORLD!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

*Don't have any Bitcoin yet? Here's my Coinbase share link where you can sign up and get $10 extra in bitcoin when you buy over $100 (and Roota gets $10 in BTC too.) That's a 10% discount on our first adventure into the FUTURE of MONEY!

Buy $100 in Bitcoin and Get the 10% discount here:

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