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Silver Eagle Rationing Just the Right Time!

May 29, 2015

Those of you who have followed my work know that I have been fighting for the original intent and purpose of the US Eagle Program to be upheld by the US Mint and the US Treasury. I have written countless letters to the Mint and Treasury proving that the rationing of US Silver Eagles was 100% against the law. Here was my first letter to the Treasury and Mint after they announced their original rationing plan...

Lunch With Elvis

May 29, 2015

Elvis and I had lunch last week. We dined on Sasquatch burgers, fried Unicorn fritters, and we were joined by “the lone gunman.” We had our special luncheon in the main vault room of the Fort Knox Bullion Depository in Kentucky. It was practically empty so converting it to a dining area was relatively easy.

Silver Market Morning

May 28, 2015

New York closed at $1,187.50 down $0.20 on yesterday as the trading range tightens once more. Today sees the dollar almost the same as yesterday at $1.0939 against the euro with the dollar index at 97.13. The LBMA Gold Price was set at $1,189.45 up $1.60 and the equivalent euro price was €1,087.75. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,188.00 and in the euro at €1,086.87 reflecting a weaker dollar.

Silver Market Morning

May 27, 2015

New York closed at $1,187.70down $6 on yesterday after another opening effort in New York to drive the gold price down on the back of a stronger dollar. Today sees the dollar holding at $1.09 against the euro with the dollar index at 97.00. Asia saw gold moving to $1,190 ahead of London’s opening. The LBMA Gold Price was set at $1,187.85 and the equivalent euro price was €1,089.87. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,186.20 and in the euro at €1,090.56.

“Suicidal Credit-Based Money System”

May 26, 2015

The US national debt exceeds $18 Trillion, NOT including off-balance sheet items, Fannie and Freddie, and unfunded obligations such as future payments for military pensions, Social Security, Medicare, and more. Depending on who is counting, add another $100 - $200 Trillion in debt.

Is The Silver Trade Getting Crowded?

May 25, 2015

It is interesting to note that when the Dollar peaked in March, silver bottomed and began moving higher. The inverse relationship between the two is certainly not perfect but this past week, as the Dollar moved higher once more, silver retreated from its overhead resistance level. That is something that anyone who trades this metal must not ignore.

The Deep Dark

May 20, 2015

“The Deep Dark” is the definitive (and dramatic without being melodramatic) account of the May 2, 1972 Sunshine Mine Disaster here in the silver fields of northern Idaho. Ninety-one men died on the day shift after fire broke out deep underground, overcome by deadly gases. Eighty-six miners escaped that day, and another two were found alive beneath a fresh-air shaft a week later.

An Insane Financial World

May 20, 2015

We know that war has been a nearly constant distraction since 9-11 and that a crisis is often used as a justification for economic insanity, such as borrowing more to address an excessive debt problem. It seems likely that weakening economies, deflationary forces, excessive debt, massive unemployment, riots, economic anxiety, consumer price inflation, and so much more, will require more distractions. We should “rig for stormy weather” and expect another crisis and more wars.

Silver Market Morning

May 19, 2015

New York closed at $1,225.30 up 40cents over Monday’s close. Asia and London let it slip. The LBMA Gold price was set at $1,219.65 down $8.50 over Monday’s level. The euro equivalent stood at €1,089.12 up €11.89 while the dollar was stronger and the euro weaker at $1.1198 down from $1.1401 against the euro. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading lower in London at $1,220.10 and in the euro at €1,090.15.

Silver Price Projections For 2020

May 18, 2015

I recently published an article projecting possible prices for gold in the year 2020 based on the S&P 500 Index and the ever increasing population adjusted US national debt. I assumed three scenarios and three different gold projections. Time will tell regarding gold prices, but what is nearly certain is that national debt will exponentially increase. Further, over 30 years, the sum of the S&P and gold have increased similarly to the population adjusted national debt.

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