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Silver Market Morning

June 15, 2015

New York closed at $1,181.00 down $0.50. Today sees the dollar weaker at $1.1215 down from $1.1189 a quarter of a cent weaker against the euro with the dollar index weaker at 95.28 down from 95.40. The LBMA Gold Price was set at $1,178.25 down $1.00 with the equivalent euro price at €1,053.98 up €6.18. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,181.50 and in the euro at €1,051.58.

Silver Lows and Bubble Bonds

June 12, 2015

T bonds have been levitated higher as central banks aggressively pushed their “Inflate or Die” QE process. Examine this log scale chart of monthly T bonds since 1985. I have drawn a red line that more or less connects the most significant tops in the past 30 years.

Silver Manipulation May Be The Most Extreme In History

June 12, 2015

The open interest in Comex silver hit another new all-time high yesterday. As of Wednesday’s final open interest report, the open interest in silver was 189.7k contracts. This is the highest the open interest has been based on data I have going back to April 2005.

Here We Go Again -- Another Silver Short Sqeeze Looms

June 12, 2015

Back on April 15, we accurately projected that a major Spec short squeeze was brewing in the coming days. Nine days later, silver shot higher in a move of +14% in just over three weeks. Well, guess what. The conditions that created that move have returned and another significant short squeeze is right around the corner.

The fallacies of GDP

June 12, 2015

The common error of confusing growth with progress goes largely unnoticed, though it permeates all macroeconomic analysis. There is no better example of this mistake than the fallacies behind the interpretation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the market value of all final goods and services in a given year. As such, it is only an accounting identity reflecting the quantity of money in the economy.

Silver Market Morning

June 12, 2015

New York closed at $1,181.50 down $4.70. Today sees the dollar stronger at $1.1189 up from $1.1271 nearly a cent stronger against the euro with the dollar index stronger at 95.40 up from 95.03. The LBMA Gold Price was set at $1,179.25 down $1.25 with the equivalent euro price at €1,053.98 up €6.18. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,181.10 and in the euro at €1,055.26.

Indian Silver Demand Explodes to US Silver Owners’ Delight

June 11, 2015

- India may absorb as much as one third of total global silver production this year - Strong demand for silver steadily increasing year by year - Indian citizens and solar industry take advantage of current low prices in silver - U.S. silver imports still enormous despite ostensible decline in demand

Silver Market Morning

June 11, 2015

New York closed at $1,186.20 up $9.70 as bargain hunters came in at low levels. Today sees the dollar stronger at $1.1271 up from $1.1326 up half a cent against the euro with the dollar index stronger at 95.03 up from 94.67. The LBMA Gold Price was set at $1,180.50 down $5.50 with the equivalent euro price at €1,047.80 up 65 cents. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,179.60 and in the euro at €1,047.23.

Silver Market Morning

June 10, 2015

New York closed at $1,176.50 up $2.50, again in very thin volumes, with, again, Asia virtually absent. Today sees the dollar weaker at $1.1326 down half a cent against the euro with the dollar index weaker at 94.67 down from 95.41. The LBMA Gold Price was set at $1,186.00 up $5.00 with the equivalent euro price at €1,047.15 down €2.81. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,188.40 and in the euro at €1,051.59.

Silver Market Morning

June 09, 2015

New York closed at $1,174.00 up $3.10, again in very thin volumes, with Asia virtually absent. Today sees the dollar weaker at $1.1267 down a cent and a half against the euro with the dollar index weaker at 95.41 down from 96.29. The LBMA Gold Price was set at $1,181.00 well above the trading levels seen in the market before the price setting and up $7.60 with the equivalent euro price at €1,049.96 down €4.97. Ahead of New York’s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,182.30 and in the euro…

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