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Yes, Gold is a Barbarous Relic...SO SWAP IT ALL FOR SILVER!

I've said it a million times and now is one of the best times in history to actually DO IT!


The Silver-Gold Ratio is close to 80-1...when it should be 5-1 or lower!!!

You! Yes YOU! I'm talking to the person reading this...YOU!

I know that you have a few gold coins in your safe. I know you think it's good for your diversification but NOW is the time to think differently. Now is not the time for diversification. Now is the time to SAVE your wealth and gold doubling or tripling over the next few years is NOT going to save you.

Silver on the other hand will go up 20x the amount THAT GOLD GOES UP so WHY do you hold ANY gold?

Here's a video explaining the reasons to make the swap that was made from one of my most popular articles "Melt the Witch". This video was made in 2012 and is still 100% true today...except that since 2012 there has been even more silver "consumed" and even more gold stuck in the bank vaults all around the world!

"Melt The Witch" by Bix Weir

You are running out of time QUICKLY.

Here's how you do it.

1) Open your safe and pull out all the physical gold.

2) Take it down to your local coin shop and swap ALL of it for silver.

3) Put that physical silver back in your safe and lock it.

4) Sleep soundly knowing that YOU were smart enough to buy physical silver at the CHEAPEST PRICE POSSIBLE and you did it just a few weeks before the world went crazy for silver!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

PS - Yes, the stories of hidden stockpiles of gold are 100% true and it will all come out during the crash of the Global Monetary System so there will be a BREAK between gold and silver prices that will shock the world. Don't think that there was only 180,000 TONS of gold ever mined in history. Total BS. It was a lie formed by Harry Oppenheimer in the 1960's and then promoted by Goldman Sachs and Jeffrey Christian...THINK ABOUT 2 MILLION TONS OF GOLD MINED AND EVEN MORE STILL IN THE GROUND HIDDEN BY THE US GOVERNMENT TO BE USED AFTER THE WORLD REJECTS THE US DOLLAR!

Golden Secrets - by Bix Weir

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