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Silver and Gold Truth Versus Fiat Lies

Don’t believe the lies or trust that unbacked debt based paper currencies will survive (they never do). Learn from the lessons of history – gold and silver have been money for thousands of years. The western world currently has amnesia about the true nature of money. Asia has not forgotten the value of gold and silver.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,240.7 up $5. In Asia and London the gold price remained at these levels. At the Fix gold was set at $1,237.50 down $4.75 and in the euro, at €1,096.783 up €0.599, while the euro was half a cent weaker at $1.1283. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London at $1,238.10 and in the euro at €1,097.17.

Market Report: Consolidation continues

This week precious metals continued to consolidate January's gains in volatile financial markets, with both gold and silver range-bound. Platinum and palladium are up on the week, noticeably stronger than gold and silver. Physical and paper markets appear to have been behaving differently, with prices tending to be firm in London (where physical deliveries take place) and weaker in New York (which is overwhelmingly derivative trading), though at the close of trading in New York prices appeared…

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,235.70 down $34.50. In Asia, gold rose but only slightly ahead of London’s opening. At the Fix gold was set at $1,242.25 down $21.75 and in the euro, at €1,096.184 down €7.457, while the euro was a cent weaker at $1.1332. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London at $1,242.00 and in the euro at €1,098.24.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,270.20 up $4.90. In Asia gold slipped slightly to $1,267.80 ahead of London’s. At the Fix gold was set at $1,264.00 up $0.24 and in the euro, at €1,103.641 down €3.067, while the euro was slightly stronger at $1.1453. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London at $1,265.00 and in the euro at €1,105.09.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,265.30 up $4.10. In Asia gold rose to $1,270.6 ahead of London’s opening where it returned to $1,266.6. At the Fix gold was set at $1,263.75 down $17.25 and in the euro, at €1,106.708 down €2.092, while the euro was weaker by nearly 1.5 cents at $1.1419. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London at $1,262.30 and in the euro at €1,103.94.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,261.20 down $13.40. In Asia lifted gold slightly to $1,264 but ahead of London’s opening recovered to $1,284.70. At the Fix gold was set at $1,281.00 down $11.75 and in the euro, at €1,108.80 down €20.133, while the euro was barely changed at $1.1553. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London better, at $1,267.60 and in the euro at €1,107.85.

Exponential Explosions in Debt, the S&P, Crude Oil, Silver and Consumer Prices

In 1913 the US national debt was less than $3 Billion, gold was real money, and a cup of coffee cost a nickel. By 2015 the US national debt had increased to over $18,000,000,000,000 ($18 Trillion), the gold standard was called a “barbarous relic,” most currencies had devolved into fiat paper and digital symbols backed by insolvent governments, and a Grande soy cinnamon latte, double pump, triple shot, extra hot, with sprinkles cost about five bucks.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,274.60 down $9.70. In Asia gold held that level but ahead of London’s opening recovered to $1,284.70. At the Fix gold was set at $1,281.00 up $5.75 and in the euro, at €1,128.933 up €6.246, while the euro was barely changed at $1.1347. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London better, at $1,282.40 and in the euro at €1,129.92.

Market Report: Consolidating gains

Gold and silver prices consolidated recent gains this week, both having become overbought short-term, and they now appear to be building a base before an attempt to convincingly attack higher ground, though yesterday's price reaction was quite sharp.

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