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Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,284.3 up $26.70. In Asia gold held that level but London pulled it back to $1,275. At the Fix gold was set at $1,274.25 up $10.75 and in the euro, at €1,122.687 up €7.703, while the euro was stronger at $1.1350. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London better, at $1,277.30 and in the euro at €1,126.12.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,257.60 down $27.30. In Asia gold rose to $1,262.40. London lifted it slightly higher before the Fix set at $1,263.50 down $12.00 and in the euro, at €1,114.984 down €14.377, while the euro was stronger at $1.1332. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London better, at $1,263.70 and in the euro at €1,113.24.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,284.90 down $9.20. In Asia gold slipped to $1,280. The Fix saw the gold price set at $1,275.50 down $11.50 and in the euro, at €1,129.361 down €2.565, while the euro was ¾ of a cent stronger at $1.1294 up over 1 ½ cents. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London better, at $1,276.30 and in the euro at €1,129.27.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,294.70 up $14.30. In Asia gold slipped to $1,289. The Fix saw the gold price set at $1,287.00 up $8.00 and in the euro, at €1,131.926 down €1.035, while the euro was ¾ of a cent stronger at $1.1137. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London better, at $1,290.3 and in the euro at €1,135.43.

Silver Stocks Will Rule In 2015

Bank economists and bearish gold gurus continue to err, on their gold price predictions. The huge declines they promised in 2014 on the taper never materialized. They promised that 2015 would bring much lower prices. Instead, gold has already rallied strongly, as I told the gold community it would, because of the bullish news that consistently emanates from Asia.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,280.40 down $13.30. In Asia gold held that level. The Fix saw the gold price set at $1,279.00 down $3.75 and in the euro, at €1,132.961 down €8.58, while the euro was stronger at $1.1289. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London uncertainly, at $1,281.00 and in the euro at €1,135.69.

The Comprehensive Chartology of Silver

Five days ago silver broke out of an inverse H&S bottom that has temporarily reversed the downtrend. I measured the more conservative price objective using the higher low instead of the Swiss spike low which comes in around the 19.80 area on the log chart. It will be interesting to see if the Swiss spike low will be the ultimate low for the bear market or just a short to intermediate low. Sometimes big trends can end with one last shake out of the weak hands similar to the Swiss spike low.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,293.70 down $10.00. In Asia gold held that level, but in London the price dropped to $1,281 with the euro again weaker by a cent at $1.1228 down 1.00 cent against the dollar. The Fix saw the gold price set at $1,282.75 down $10.75 and in the euro, at €1,141.541 down €8.748, while the euro was almost unchanged at $1.1237. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London uncertainly, at $1,281.60 and in the euro at €1,140.77.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,303.70 up $10.20 as the euro started to really tumble again. In Asia and early London the gold price slipped slightly to $1,296.60 with the euro much weaker at $1.1324 down 2.66 cents against the dollar. The Fix saw the gold price set at $1,293.50 up $6.50 and in the euro, at €1,150.289 up €42.334, while the euro was 3.76cents weaker at $1.1240. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London uncertainly, at $1,294.00 and in the euro at €1,151.86.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1,293.50 up $0.80 as the euro started to weaken again. In Asia and early London the gold price slipped slightly to $1,287.1 with the euro a tad stronger at $1.1581. The Fix saw the gold price set at $1,287 down $11.00 and in the euro, at €1,107.955 down €13.718, while the euro was stronger at $1.1616. Ahead of New York’s opening gold was trading in London at $1,286.60 and in the euro at €1,106.94.

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