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Silver Market Updates

Silver Open Interest Anomaly

Each week the CFTC publishes data from futures and options contracts for many commodities. Open interest shows the number of open contracts – one long for each short – in a particular commodity, say silver.

Silver Market Morning

New York closed at $1.212.60 and Asia took the gold price down slightly to $1,208. The recovery from $1,151 to $1,218 at its daily peak was $67. In London’s the gold Fixing was set at $1,197.00 up $18.25 and in the euro at €962.683 up €17.225 while the euro stood at $1.2434. There were two sellers at the Fix selling 30,000 ounces and one buyer buying 36,000 ounces. As we wrote this gold was trading in London at $1,198.30 and in the euro at €962.84.

Silver Market Morning

New York and Asia took the gold price down to $1,151 before Asia and London took it way back above New York’s close of $1,167 to $1,183, ahead of London’s Fixing. Gold was then Fixed at $1,178.75 down $5.75 and in the euro at €945.458, down €3.737 while the euro stood at $1.2468. There were two sellers at the Fix selling 40,000 ounces and two buyers buying 54,000 ounces. As we wrote this gold was trading in London at $1,174.10 and in the euro at €942.27.


The Royal Canadian Mint just released their figures for the quarter showing record Silver Maples sales for the year. Sales of Silver Maples weren’t as strong in the third-quarter compared to the same period last year, but they outperformed Silver Eagles in percentage terms.

Market Report: Waiting for Godot

Alternatively, watching paint dry. That's how it has felt this week with gold's volatility slowing to a crawl ahead of Thanksgiving yesterday and the Swiss gold referendum on Monday.

Silver: What COT Analysis Tells Us

November 25, 2014

Each week the CFTC publishes a Commitments of Traders Report (COT) in which “non-commercial” and “commercial” long and short futures positions are reported. Many people have expressed doubts as to the validity, accuracy and consistency of the data. However, my experience is that the data is mostly relevant, accurate, and useful in the long term, but not necessarily important each week.

Prices of Gold/Silver Companies to Double from Here?

November 20, 2014

Silver is down 70% from its high of $48.70 an ounce back in April of 2011. And the calls from the mainstream are for silver prices to fall farther, as the Federal Reserve has stopped printing paper money and inflation is nowhere in sight. I beg to differ.

U.S. Mint Reports on Silver Eagles: Huge Demand & Weekly Rationing

November 20, 2014

After the huge take-down in the price of silver on October 31st, demand for Silver Eagles skyrocketed. Then on Nov. 5th after silver was knocked down another 5%, the U.S. Mint suspended sales of Silver Eagles.

Gold, Silver, Crude and S&P Ending Wedge Patterns

Gold and silver look like they have bottomed – again. Perhaps this time it will be a real bottom instead of another fake-out like December 2013 and June 2014. Demand is strong for physical gold and silver, but the supply of naked paper shorts on the COMEX is even larger. This will change. I see prices under $20 as a strong buy zone since I believe that $100 silver is only a few years away.

An Open Letter to Mining Company Executives

Please accept my sincere condolences on the continuing suppression of metal prices. As a stock holder in your company, I share your concern that an unrelenting environment of depressed metal prices will inevitably cause damage to your mining company. I will not insult your intelligence by dwelling on the long term solution that you are so very well aware of (i.e., reduce mining output at low prices, both as a way to pressure prices higher, and as a way to conserve your precious in ground…

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