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Silver Market Updates

Silver/Gold Ratio Is a Guide As Inflation Signals Fade Again

September 27, 2019

The interplay between gold and silver is a critical component to understanding what is out ahead; to understanding whether long-term Treasury yields will rise and if they rise, whether it will be due to inflationary pressures. It is a critical component to understanding whether cyclical commodities and other aspects of a greater inflation/reflation trade will finally break existing downtrends. See…

Silver and Gold Into Year End

September 25, 2019

Back in January, we predicted that in 2019 the precious metals would see their best annual gains since 2010...and so far, they have! So now the question becomes: will the metals hold these gains and extend or will they fall back in the fourth quarter?

Gold and Silver Bullion Banks Spit In Face of Department of Justice

September 23, 2019

Just two days after the Department of Justice went as far as to call JP Morgan’s precious metals trading desk “a criminal enterprise”, the gold and silver bullion banks were back at it again on Wednesday. Hammering the price of both gold and silver during the Federal Reserve’s announcement of another quarter point interest rate cut.Going into the meeting, while it was largely assumed that the Fed would cut a quarter point, this time it was not a guarantee. With some market commentators…

Silver and the Yield Curve Inversion

September 23, 2019

Yield curve inversions have historically been great for silver prices. Currently we are experiencing such a phenomena, and again it is evidence of conditions that are conducive to some impressive silver rallies. Below, is a long-term chart showing the spread between the 10-year Treasure Note Yield and the 3-month Treasury Bill Rate.

Why Are People Now Selling Their Silver?

September 16, 2019

Was the attack on Saudi oil foreseen by market participants over a month ago? We doubt it (though we don’t know). But what seems clear is that the marginal market participant sees rising risks to be in the dollar, and is choosing to own metal. And at the current gold-silver ratio, the choice at the margin has been to hold silver. In addition to the growing risks of the irredeemable currencies, there is the problem of negative interest rates. Savers may be disenfranchised—i.e. unable to…

Silver Update: Due for a bounce (video update)

September 15, 2019

These (silver) moves go down usually as fast as they go up. But now silver is getting ready for a bounce:

Silver Technical Update - right at a support area

September 10, 2019

Gold-silver ratio still favors silver. Historically looking at markets, when silver is stronger than gold, it has the makeup of a general uptrend. Silver is fighting a battle at the 18-DMA: Video Update

Silver Is Still A Must Buy At These Levels

September 04, 2019

We are coming into the traditional season for intense silver rallies. With silver recently making a really important breakout, things are setting up for a memorable period in the silver markets. Furthermore, the decision to buy silver for the long-term is basically a no-brainer given that the Gold/Silver ratio is still around 80...

Monthly Silver Report: Stunning increases in silver ETF funds..

September 03, 2019

Well there was another fun month for silver investors! Perhaps not yet time to go out and buy the new luxury car, although after the trading action of the past few years, certainly a welcomed relief. As silver rallied from it’s $16.23 on its July 31st close to $18.34 on August 30. Which is an extension of the rally that began on May 29 at $14.37, and closed at $15.28 at the end of June.

Will Silver’s Surprising Summer Surge Continue?

August 30, 2019

Just a few weeks ago, silver naysayers told us we’d have to wait months, or even years, before the market made a big move. Now they are eating their words! The white-hot metal surged past $18.50/oz this morning to reach its highest level in more than two years. Silver is up more than 13% in the month of August alone, a time when many precious metals analysts had expected summer doldrums. Even some long-term silver bulls became short-term bears.

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