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Favourable Conditions Are Likely To Propel Silver Much Higher

January 06, 2020

These are setting up really favourable conditions for Silver prices and the position it has in the international monetary system. The expectation for much higher Silver prices are certainly reflected in the charts. I have previously presented this chart (now updated) to show how the current bottoming process (2015 to 2018) is similar to that of 2001 to 2003:

Michael Pento: The Right Time To Invest In Silver and Silver Mining Stocks

January 05, 2020

While there’s a great investment case to be made for silver bullion and silver mining stocks, the timing remains the key issue. Although fortunately in a recent interview, Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies shared what he's looking for. And when he thinks it's time to invest in silver and the silver mining stocks.

"The Great Silver Debate" Part 2: Chris Marcus vs. Mickey Fulp

January 02, 2020

The Great Silver Debate Part 2: Chris Marcus vs. Mickey Fulp One of the things that's really interesting about silver is that it might be one of the most divisive asset classes in today's financial markets. Some (like myself) think silver might be even better than multiple loaves of sliced bread! While others think I'm off my rocker and don't see the value. So who's correct?

Santa's Stockings Have Silver

December 26, 2019

Massive upside breakouts are taking place across the precious metals sector. Many mining stocks, especially silver-oriented, are skyrocketing. How is it possible that silver stocks are ripping to one fresh new high after another, leaving bullion behind? Well, there is commercial trader bullion shorting activity on the COMEX. Money managers are buying silver stocks, not COMEX contracts, and it doesn’t take much money flowing into these stocks to push them dramatically higher. A COMEX…

Hi-yo Silver Away!

December 26, 2019

Silver is expected to begin the next decade newly burnished, through a combination of higher industrial and investment demand, and tightened supply owing to mine production issues and output cuts. As December winds down and precious metals trade volumes dwindle, market analysts including us at Ahead of the Herd are crunching the numbers from 2019 and looking ahead to what the New Year might bring. A banner year..

Silver and the Deep State

December 04, 2019

The “Deep State” has been a high-profile topic for several years. Opinions are divided and strong. Those who benefit from the Deep State power and influence support the Deep State and fight against its opposition. Others think it’s the cause of much that is wrong in the world. Rather than wade into the debate, consider the wit and wisdom of Bill Bonner regarding the Deep State..

Admission of Conspiracy, Guilt and Collusion

October 29, 2019

Having long been a researcher of the gold and silver markets I have become familiar with the labels, “conspiracy theorist”, “gold bug”, “tin foil hat” and a host of others – less flattering. Over the years I have listened to a host mainstream economic commentators incredulously lament, “gold bugs actually believe that people meet – in rooms - and conspire to suppress the price of precious metals”. These same mainstream economic commentators frequently scoff, “if such activities were actually…

2020: Year Of The Silver Metal Rat

October 08, 2019

I don’t expect a major rise in inflation in 2020, but I think institutional money managers will show enough concern about it to make silver and the miners of this awesome metal the world’s top performing asset in 2020, the year of the metal rat!

Silver Eyes Fourth Quarter Rebound

October 04, 2019

We will be watching the gold:silver ratio closely during days when precious metals markets rally for confirmation that silver is leading. In a healthy bull market for the metals, silver leads on both the upside and the downside – both rallying and declining more sharply than gold.

Ted Butler: JP Morgan Precious Metals Traders Charged By DOJ, Losses To Shorts Mount

October 03, 2019

Last week the Department of Justice not only charged several JP Morgan traders with manipulating the market, but even invoked the RICO act, which is traditionally reserved for organized crime cases. Of course for those who have been following Ted Butler’s research in recent years, the news hardly comes as a surprise. Although it does certainly add a new volatile element into the equation, which Ted was kind enough to join me on the show and discuss.

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