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Silver prices book largest daily rise in 3 years as gold ends 2.4% higher

August 07, 2019

A recent report from Sprott Asset Management contributor Paul Wong, tracking gold and silver trading in July, notes that buying of those precious metals has spread to individual investors. “We are now just starting to see gold buying broaden out to retail, individual investor level. By all historical measures, we should see silver play a phenomenal catch-up trade to gold in the next few months,” he wrote.

As gold and silver catch fire, what's happening?

August 05, 2019

Ordinarily it would seem that circumstances are hugely favorable to gold and silver. But if governments lose on the market-rigging front, they can always become more openly totalitarian -- confiscating gold or outlawing private possession of monetary gold, imposing windfall profits taxes on capital gains in gold, raising royalty requirements on gold-mining companies to prohibitive levels, and so forth. So even as we all may hope for the best -- free and transparent markets, and limited and…

Silver Prices – The Next Five Years

August 02, 2019

Silver prices move higher as population adjusted national debt increases. (Dollar devaluation drives all prices higher.)Silver prices move higher and lower with crude oil, another commodity. Silver prices move opposite to the S&P 500 Index. (Investor preference for commodities versus paper assets.) The model weighs and combines these macroeconomic variables to produce a “calculated silver price.” Call it a “fair value” price.

Why The Coming Silver Rally Might Be The Greatest

July 25, 2019

n the last one hundred years there have been some great silver rallies. Some have been greater than others though. The economic conditions underlining the different silver rallies were not all the same. Obviously those that occurred during conditions most conducive to silver rallies were the great performers. The coming silver rally could be the greatest especially since it potentially has most conditions in common with the great silver rallies.

Two sectors with mind boggling potential over the next 5-10 years

July 23, 2019

While I think we are entering an inflationary phase and during an inflation everything tends to go up together (at least during the initial and middle phase of the inflation) there are two sectors in particular that I think have absolutely mind boggling potential over the next 5-10 years. Silver maybe more than anything is a time bomb waiting to explode. You rarely get a prettier (and longer) basing phase than this one..

Goldfinger, Silver and Gold

July 22, 2019

As of July 5, the gold to silver ratio stood at 93, the highest since 1993. This ratio is not a precise timing indicator, but high ratios have always indicated major bottoms in both metals. While low silver prices anger some investors, the wise are buying. The stock market since 2009 has rallied based on near-zero interest rates, huge stock buybacks benefiting management, media hype, and trillions of new corporate, government and individual debt. It might rally further, but a risk to reward…

My Biggest 'Fear' For Silver

July 22, 2019

By: Avi GilburtWhile we were prepared for last week’s run in silver in our service, many are only now suggesting to buy into the metals after missing the last 10%+ move up in silver. Yes, that is what happens so often in financial markets. Markets go higher and people want to buy more the higher it goes. Yet I was getting a lot of pushback when I was suggesting people use price levels below 15 to accumulate silver holdings.What strikes me as odd is that in every other aspect of your life, you…

Precious Metals Big Picture, as Silver Gets on Its Horse

July 19, 2019

While many are talking about major new bull markets in gold, silver and the miners I find it safer to set realistic goals within a still very bullish outlook. After all, we became bullish in November, had to retrench due to over-bullish sentiment and fading fundamentals in February (both situations linked here) and then have been back in the bull seat since the gold stock launch as noted on June 3rd. The point being, I have nothing to prove to you; nothing to woo you and tempt your greed…

Silver Seems To Shock The Market

July 19, 2019

Well, as I think about it, I am starting to understand the shock if you had been reading what everyone has been writing about silver. Whereas the rest of the complex has already moved strongly higher, silver has been significantly lagging. And, I have been hearing one excuse after another as to why it is lagging, such as silver “has been acting as an industrial metal.”. But, last I looked, the economy was humming along. So, why would an industrial metal be lagging? Moreover, it certainly did…

Silver rallies to its highest in over a year, plays ‘catch up’ to gold’s gains

"He said gold and silver investors have not missed much of this rally, though in the short term the rally may be overextended when it comes to some miners. Over the coming months and year, however, Spina believes he sees “one of the best risk/reward [opportunities] in the gold/silver sector since I started buying juniors as a teenager, some 25-[plus] years ago.”

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