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This is the first word that came to mind when I checked today’s silver prices on,


Synonyms for “brazen” include “bold” or “fearless.” To me the word connotes an attitude that one is going to do what one wants and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks.


There’s an arrogance, a cockiness or perhaps even an air of desperation I associate with brazen acts and those who commit them.


I can do this or I must do this. And, most importantly, I know nobody is going to do anything about this.


Forcing the price of silver lower, when the price clearly wants to go higher and in a world where all the fundamentals (rising inflation, worsening economy, multiple wars or near wars) point to higher prices - or at least not plummeting prices - certainly meets the definition of “brazen.”


Not that I didn’t see this coming or even predict such price action in multiple columns.


Still, such counter-intuitive price plunges still somehow manage to make even the jaded like myself shake our heads in exasperation.


As a long-time observer of silver price charts, you know such waterfall chart shapes are coming, but a part of you still can’t believe they will happen. Not in, you know, America, land of the free (markets).


Or, you know such manipulated prices WILL happen, you just can’t believe that nobody who matters seems to care.


You know that if such recurring price plunges - on no related economic news - happened in some other market, important people (or important news organizations) would ask questions. People, that is, would ask questions like “why in the world did this happen? Today?


But when it comes to silver price plunges such questions don’t get asked, at least not by the mainstream media. And so those orchestrating the price plunges are free to take such brazen actions.


Because there are no repercussions. Which is really what, even now, befuddles so many of us who closely monitor prices in the silver "market."


For a month, silver prices had been rising - first gradually and then, in a few spurts, rapidly. So much so that I even checked my portfolio of silver mining stocks. Sure enough, I had made back some of the fortune I had lost in recent years.


Is now the time to buy more, I thought?


Of course not, I quickly answered. Prices will be pushed back down soon enough.


If you believe like I do that silver prices are being “contained” for a reason and this reason is vitally important to the Powers doing the manipulating, you must expect such dramatic “adjustments.”


Absent such adjustments, investor sentiment for precious metals might change and perhaps even attract “real” investors (not just we contrarian silverbug “stackers.”).


Such a scenario cannot be allowed to happen. So the PTB “push the button” and, in a matter of hours, all the gains of weeks worth of effort are erased.


It’s the way the game works. If you are going to manipulate prices, you have to ... manipulate prices. It’s a strategy that, by necessity, involves pro-active measures on a consistent basis.


When prices want to soar, you push as hard as you can too keep them from soaring too high. Then, when the time is right, you push them back down a good chunk to send a message to folks who might have started to think, “Hey, things are finally changing.”


Is “sentiment” changing? Are economic “fundamentals”starting to become relevant?


Ha! Think again, my friend. And we have a Today Event.


But such tactics are so brazen - and starting to become so predictable and so unmoored to other economic events - you wonder: Is this the time “they” finally over-played their hand?


Can TPTB knock down prices whenever they want with impunity (or immunity)? Forever into infinity?


Could, for example, World War III break out today and hyper-inflation send the price of bread (indeed the prices of almost everything) 20 times higher than yesterday’s prices - and the price of precious metals still go down?


Apparently so.


Is this how brazen the silver price-setters have become?


That nothing can happen in the world that will let let prices break above the “approved” price range?


“Today, a loaf of bread soared past $25,” your local TV station might report.


Meanwhile, in the fine print of the business section of your local newspaper we see that the price of silver remained unchanged at $20.85/ounce.


If this happened, would Reuters or Bloomberg’s notice or even comment on such an inexplicable occurrence?


Well, have they, or any prominent MSM organization, ever written anything about strange actions in silver prices before?


No. So why would they in the future?


Which no doubt is one reason the Powers that Be can be so brazen when it comes to setting - or capping - silver prices.


The people who should care, don’t care. And TBTB know it. Thus, we see what happened today ... and 45 days from today and probably 75 days from today and so on and so on.



Bill Rice, Jr. is managing editor of The Montgomery (AL) Independent. He can be reached at

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