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The True Scale of Silver Manipulation Revealed. Feat. Bill Murphy

via Kinesis

In this week’s Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire is joined by none other than Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) director, Bill ‘Midas’ Murphy, to go public about the shocking scale of silver price suppression.

The two gold bugs walk us through two decades of GATA exposing gold and silver market manipulation and bring a few inside secrets of the precious metals cartel out in the open.

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00:00            Start

02:25 Introducing GATA’s director, Bill ‘Midas’ Murphy

04:10 A decade of precious metals market rigging

07:20 London Gas & Gold rush. Bill’s ‘televised’ presentation has been cut out!

09:35 Bringing in major players to get interviewed

11:35 Theres’ no money in plain vanilla bullion banking!

13:55 500:1 Silver. Worst market ever seen!

16:00 WHY is silver so cheap? You got to be kidding me!

17:40 “If the delivery is impractical, we won't deliver!”

18:50 Banks’ impact on rigged silver - exhausting to observe!

23:00 Sanctions on Russia, China commoditization & BRICKS currency basket

29:20 The real silver supply-demand price from a manufacturing perspective.

33:55 Word-shifting silver price manipulation documented by BBC in Bolivia.

37:35 How to find Bill Murphy online to benefit from his sage advice?

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