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Soar with Eagles Hoot With Owls

February 10, 2016

Resource stocks are not well understood by the general investing public, but at least two things are soon going to become very apparent to most - precious metal prices are rising as the U.S. dollar collapses, and that the best way to leverage yourself to rising silver prices is owning the shares of a silver junior.

Ronan Manly: January smash in London silver fix arose from broken promises

February 09, 2016

Gold researcher Ronan Manly shows today that last month's strange smash in the new London silver price fix, which disagreed so sharply with simultaneous spot and futures prices, resulted from the failure of the fix's managers to keep a promise made 18 months earlier to arrange wider participation in the fix and central clearing of trades based on the fix. Manly's analysis is headlined "The LBMA Silver Price -- Broken Promises on Wider Participation and Central Clearing"

They Broke the Silver Fix

February 09, 2016

If you read more about it, you will see that there was an irregularity around the silver fix. At the time, the spot price was around $14.40. The fix was set at $13.58. This is a major deviation. Many silver bugs are up in arms about how unfair the new silver fix is. That’s nothing new. They were up in arms about the old one. The old one was supposedly manipulated.

Top Silver Mining CEO: Don't Laugh, We Could See $100+ Silver

February 08, 2016

Coming up we'll hear from Keith Neumeyer, CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp. Keith updates us on the state of the mining industry, how ridiculous and ultimately damaging the futures market has become, and why he believes the possibility of triple digit silver is NOT ridiculous. Don't miss a fantastic interview with Keith Neumeyer, perhaps the most outspoken leader in the entire precious metals mining industry. But first, this week's market update.

Possible Silver U-Turn Report

February 08, 2016

Gold and silver bugs of course are excited, as they look at it as the prices of the metals going up $55 and 72 cents respectively. The collapse of what most think of as money—including especially said gold and silver bugs—is great fun and profitable. At least if you’re short the dollar.

Silver workup

February 07, 2016

Silver finally managed to push through its upside resistance just above the $14.50 level this week and attracted some additional upside follow through as the US Dollar weakness brought on the macro trade ( Dollar down – BUY commodities). For that matter copper also rallied, as did platinum. Clearly the latter two metals are not moving higher based on signs of increasing demand but rather because of those macro trades just referenced. It is purely a matter of money flows related to the movements…

Silver and Gold: Ripe for a Recovery!

February 05, 2016

Game Changer: China Set To Start Yuan-Based Gold Price Fix In April 2016 It has emerged that the People’s Republic of China is set to launch a historic Yuan-based gold price fix this April to boost the country’s status as the new emerging leader in the international financial market.

Silver and Gold Best Performing Assets – Up 8% and 9% YTD

February 05, 2016

Silver is 4% higher this week and silver buyers continue to accumulate silver in the belief that it remains great value at less than $15 per ounce. We share this view given the fact that silver remains nearly 70% below the nominal high near $50 per ounce in 1980 and again in 2011. Also, the gold-silver ratio at 77 ($1,160/$15 per ounce) shows that silver remains great value at less than $15 per ounce.

Silver Price Fix – “Future Of The Fix Is Fraught”

February 03, 2016

The silver price fix debacle from last week and the new London silver price fix has received a litany of severe criticism in recent days.

Central Bank Created Silver Rally

February 01, 2016

The central banks of the world have made a mess of global economic systems, although they have successfully enriched the financial and political elite. But systems are collapsing, the deflation monster has arrived, and more QE, negative interest rates, bailouts, devaluations, and bail-ins are coming.

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