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The US Geological Survey and Silver

February 22, 2016

Recent talk on the Internet has been about Peak Gold, Peak Silver and a general view that the planet’s natural resources are in danger of sliding into an irreversible decline in production which no amount of pricing or technology can reverse. The implication of this for those who hold gold or silver would be immense in financial terms but also in wider political and economic terms. With that in mind, I consulted the statistics of the US Geological Survey (USGS) for subscribers in a recent…

Where is the Silver Coming From?

February 22, 2016

If these three countries are sucking up all the silver they can get their hands on for their solar programs, global investment demand is so strong the two largest minted coins in the world are rationed – where is the silver going to come from by the end of 2016? How will the bullion dealers be able to back fill their shelves to supply the retail investors of coins, bars and rounds? Regardless of the fact the government continually tries to teach us 2+2=5, it does not. Got physical?

Gold Costs 80oz of Silver

February 22, 2016

The big news is that the gold-silver ratio closed at 80. This is not only a new high for the move. It’s higher than it has been since 2008.

Q&A with Mr. Silver Market

February 19, 2016

Q: Most people do not value silver and prefer to invest in bonds from big governments. Why? A: Most people would prefer to follow the herd because following the herd is comforting and often correct. Occasionally it is disastrous. I suspect the next few years will see the herd slaughtered. (Bubbles always pop and bonds are in a bubble.)

Two Top Reasons Why Silver Is A Must-Have

February 18, 2016

Silver is probably the best insurance against consequences of the coming debt market collapse Today’s debt levels are massive compared to any previous era. These debt-levels are unsustainable, and we are headed for an inevitable debt collapse. The US, for example, owes holders of US dollars (world-wide) about 114 771 tonnes of gold as at August 2015 (US monetary base/price of gold per ounce – read more). That is about 67% to 74% of world gold reserves, depending on which estimate one goes…

Bill Murphy: The Gold/Silver Manipulators Are At The End Of Their Rope

February 17, 2016

When silver breaks $18.50…it will then take out $50 and hit Eric Sprott’s number of $100-plus because since the last time it hit $50 they’ve gone through all that physical supply…this time they won’t be able to go to the physical supply well. – Bill Murphy

Silver, Gold, the Argentina Peso, and Exponentially Increasing Prices

February 15, 2016

The exchange rate between the Argentina Peso and the US dollar in January 1945 was 4.17 pesos to one dollar. Like the United States, Argentina created substantial price inflation – devaluation of their currency – in the 1950s – 1990s. According to Wikipedia Argentina devalued their currency by a factor of 100 in 1970, by another 10,000 in 1983, by another 1,000 in 1985, and by another 10,000 in 1992.

The Silver Blaze Report, 14 Feb, 2016

February 15, 2016

Again, we had another big drop in the dollar this week. No, we don’t mean against the dollar derivatives known as the euro, pound, etc. We mean by the only standard capable of measuring it: gold. The dollar fell 1.4 milligrams, to 25.1mg gold. Or, if you prefer, 0.1 grams of silver.For some reason, it’s obvious when the price of gold in Zimbabwe goes up from Z$118,000,000 to Z$123,700,000 that Zimbabweans are not getting rich. But when the price of gold rises from US $1,118 to $1,237, as it did…

The Coming Silver Rally Will Be Fueled By A Crashing Dow

February 12, 2016

It is good news for silver investors when significant nominal peaks of the Dow are formed. This is because significant nominal peaks in the price of silver tend to come after significant nominal peaks in the Dow. This has been the case for the last 90 years at least.

Gold outlook improves

February 11, 2016

The change in the outlook for US interest rates has probably put an end to the dollar's four-year bull run, it is clear that there is a growing likelihood of negative interest rates in the future, and the global banking system is no fit state to manage the potential challenges of 2016. This article walks the reader through the likely economic effects relevant to the future purchasing power of the dollar, and therefore prospects for the gold price.

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