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Sprott Physical Silver Trust Prices Follow-on Offering of Trust Units In An Aggregate Amount of US$74,907,000

April 08, 2016

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Apr 8, 2016) - Sprott Physical Silver Trust (the "Trust") (PSLV)(TSX:PHS.U), a trust created to invest and hold substantially all of its assets in physical silver bullion and managed by Sprott Asset Management LP, announced today that it has priced its follow-on offering of 12,300,000 transferable, redeemable units of the Trust ("Units") at a price of US$6.09 per Unit (the "Offering"). As part of the Offering, the Trust has granted the underwriters an over…

Market Report: Firm undertones

April 08, 2016

There is much happening on the subject of money, and to an extent, even gold is a bystander in a developing monetary train wreck. In recent weeks we have seen sterling come under pressure on fears of Brexit, plus some appalling trade figures. If Brexit happens, it will be the end of the grand European project, and the euro could disintegrate, but markets are not yet reflecting this possibility.

The Interesting Relationship Between Silver Rallies and Interest Rates

April 07, 2016

It is not well known, that historically silver and interest rates have actually moved together (in the long-term). When interest rates are going up, then silver is going up. When interest rates are going down, silver is going down. In the short-term, interest rates and silver can diverge (like since about 2002 to now); however, this is temporary.

Perth Mint Silver Coins Have Second Highest Monthly Demand

April 06, 2016

The Perth Mint’s sales of silver coins and especially Silver Kangaroos surged again in March and saw the second highest levels of silver coin demand on record as silver buyers in the western world continue to accumulate silver at what they believe to be depressed silver prices.

Awesome Silver & USD Alarm Bell

April 05, 2016

1. I’ve strongly stated that in the short and intermediate term, the most important price driver of gold is the US dollar’s movement against the yen. 2. The dollar is the world’s largest “risk-on” market, because America is the world’s largest debtor. Japan is the world’s largest creditor. 3. Downside action of the dollar against the yen is a financial fire alarm bell. When the alarm rings, many of the world’s most powerful FOREX economists urge their clients to buy gold, and many do with…

GoldSeek Weekly Radio: John Williams and Jim Rogers

April 04, 2016

GoldSeek Radio's Chris Waltzek talks to John Williams of Shadowstats and to Famed investor Jim Rogers.

Silver Bullion Is A Coiled Spring and Will “Explode Higher”

April 04, 2016

Silver bullion’s reluctant, sluggish participation in early 2016’s powerful gold rally has been glaringly obvious. Instead of amplifying the yellow metal’s big gains as in the past, silver largely failed to even keep pace. The lack of silver confirmation for gold’s big move has certainly raised concerns. But despite silver’s vexing torpidity in recent months, it is a coiled spring ready to explode higher to catch and surpass gold.

A tale of two currencies

April 01, 2016

The problems we face have been created by the major central banks. I shall assume, for the purpose of this article, that a second financial and monetary crisis will not have its origin in the collapse of China's credit bubble, nor that Japan's situation destabilises. These are additional risks, the first of which in particular is widely expected, but are subject to the control of a command economy. They obscure problems closer to home. Instead I shall concentrate on two old-school economies,…

Silver Lows – Silver Ratios

March 31, 2016

In my opinion, silver reached a bottom back in December 2015. The silver to gold ratio and the silver to S&P ratio support that conclusion. The RSI turned up in December. Anything can happen in “managed” markets, but 26 years of history indicate that silver bottomed in December.

Silver Relative Strength Report

March 28, 2016

Gold went down (as the muggles would measure it, in dollars). It dropped almost 40 bucks. Silver fell almost 60 cents. Since silver fell proportionally farther than gold, the gold-silver ratio went up.

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