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Gold & Silver Trading Alert: Silver’s Bearish Rally

April 15, 2016

Silver moved sharply higher recently along with mining stocks, but unlike the latter, the white metal continued to show strength even on Thursday by holding up well despite gold’s and mining stocks’ decline. What does this tell us?

Silver Prices Up 5.6%; Gold Down 1% This Week. Deutsche Bank Settles Gold and Silver Manipulation Suits

April 15, 2016

Silver remains strong despite gold’s weakness this week and continues to eke out gains. Since Monday April 4, silver has surged from $14.93 to $16.32 per ounce for an 9.3% gain. The close above $16.00 per ounce was important and will embolden the technicians and momentum players who are likely positioning in expectations of silver testing resistance at higher levels. Silver is now testing technical resistance at $16.30/oz and a close above that level could see silver quickly move to test the…

Deutsche Bank Silver Settlement: GATA Vindicated

April 14, 2016

After what seems like a lifetime of serial denial by the MSM, of total head-turning by regulators, of behind-the-back snickering by financial commentators, and of in-your-face continued manipulation by the bullion bank behemoths, Reuters has finally reported an event that might—repeat—MIGHT be a game changer for those involved in silver trading and investments. At 7:09 last evening, it was reported that "Deutsche Bank to settle U.S. silver price fixing litigation," which is a staggering…

Deutschbank gold silver price manipulation lawsuit analysis

April 14, 2016

Here is Germany’s largest bank, surely a MAJOR player in the power elite of the western fiat banking cartel, would NOT “provide cooperation to Plaintiffs” including “instant messages and other electronic communications” to the enemy who is trying to prove rigging? No way! This electronic information will be DEVASTATING to the big banks. It will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the intricate details of the price suppression scheme, including who, what, when and where it all happened. This…

Silver Manipulation Cultists Cheer “Proof”

April 14, 2016

Ah yes, the silver manipulation crowd is ecstatic this AM as they gleefully point to news that Deutsche Bank has agreed to settle in a class action lawsuit which claimed that it, along with several other large banks, had been rigging the silver price at the London Silver Fix. The claim by the silver cultists is that the bank would not have agreed to settle if they had done nothing wrong. Hello? Ever heard of companies settling nuisance lawsuits to make them go away? Nowadays it is called the …

Deutsche Bank agrees to settle with Plaintiffs in London Silver Fixing litigation

April 14, 2016

In a surprising development, a group of plaintiffs in an antitrust litigation case against Deutsche Bank, HSBC Bank plc, the Bank of Nova Scotia, and UBS AG, have just announced that Deutsche Bank is in the process of negotiating the formal terms of a settlement agreement with the plaintiffs. Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Scotia are the only members of the London Silver Market Fixing Limited, a private company that had operated the London Silver Fixing auctions until mid August 2014, after which time…

Surging Mining Stocks Point to Big Move Ahead in Gold and Silver

April 12, 2016

The silver market appears to be gaining momentum, but spot prices remain well below their highs from last year.The gold:silver price ratio remains elevated at 79:1. As recently as 2011, gold sold for 32 times the price of silver, and historically it has often sold for 16 times or even as low as 10 times the silver price.

Silver Bullion Surges 8% In 6 Days To Over $16 Per Ounce

April 12, 2016

Silver bullion prices surged 3.65% yesterday and have surged 8% in just six trading days. Silver rose 56 cents from $15.34 to $15.90 per ounce yesterday, made further gains in Asian and early European trading and broke above the psychological resistance of $16 per ounce.

Silver No Fly Zone

April 11, 2016

Silver is the most managed commodity on the planet because its relationship to gold – because if its held down this will help control the price of gold. The status quo needs to have the multitudes remain complacent and distracted from their nefarious ways, because they are debasing everything, not the least of which is the currency. So a ‘no fly zone’ has been declared on silver because of its importance in maintaining the status quo’s illusion – the balloons, bubbles, and other inflated…

Can Silver Keep Pace With Gold?

April 08, 2016

Silver futures are up about 8.5 percent this year, making it stand out among other commodities and financial markets. Investors snapped up coins, with U.S. Mint data showing March silver coin sales were up 17 percent over the previous year’s figure. Inflows into silver-backed exchange-traded funds witnessed their highest monthly inflow since December 2010, according to Commerzbank. Still, gold’s 15 percent year-to-date gain outshines silver, which means the gray metal has some catching up to do…

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