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Market Report: Interest rate scare

May 20, 2016

Having been massively overbought in the futures market, it is hardly surprising that a correction of some sort has occurred. The correction was given added impetus when the Fed’s FOMC minutes were released, which caught complacent markets on the hop. It was generally expected that there would be no rise in interest rates following the June meeting, but these minutes were more hawkish. So much so, that unless there is a definite turn for the worse in the economy, it appears that the Fed funds…

Silver Market Morning: May-20-2016 -- Fed concerned about the Chinese Yuan!

May 20, 2016

With such small moves overnight all global gold markets recorded prices moving only slightly. No conclusions can be drawn from their moves against each other, right now. The gold price reacted to the stronger dollar while the Chinese Yuan stabilized at slightly higher levels against the dollar. What we find of note is that in the Fed minutes concerned was expressed, “because of unanticipated developments associated with China’s management of its exchange rate.” No such concern was expressed by…

Silver Price Forecast 2016: Massive Silver Rally During The Coming US Dollar Index Crash

May 18, 2016

I have written extensively about how the current silver bull market is similar to the 70s. Despite these similarities, silver will (ultimately) perform much better than during the 70s. The fractal analysis of the US Dollar Index (below) shows some more similarities and differences between the 70s era and now. I believe that these further supports the expectation that silver will perform much better than it did during the 70s.

Here's Why the Gold and Silver Futures Market Is Like a Rigged Casino...

May 16, 2016

A respectable number of Americans hold investments in gold and silver in one form or another. Some hold physical bullion, while others opt for indirect ownership via ETFs or other instruments. A very small minority speculate via the futures markets. But we frequently report on the futures markets – why exactly is that?

The Endgame

May 13, 2016

There is a growing fear in financial and monetary circles that there is something deeply wrong with the global economy. Publicly, officials and practitioners alike have become confused by policy failures, and privately, occasionally even downright pessimistic, at a loss to see a statist solution. It is hardly exaggerating to say there is a growing feeling of impending doom.

Silver Market Morning: May-11-2016 -- Gold and Silver deciding direction today!

May 12, 2016

Gold closed in New York at $1,277.70 up from Tuesday’s $1,266.40. On Thursday morning in Asia it fell to $1,272.65, as the Yuan continued to weaken against a dollar that held at yesterday’s levels, before the LBMA price setting in London. The Gold Fixing in Shanghai’s morning was just under $8 lower than New York’s close. London’s opening was higher than Shanghai’s afternoon Fix initially telling us that physical demand in China caused the price to stay at levels of the day before. We need a…

The 45-Year Record of Gold-Silver Ratios

May 09, 2016

Although silver functions mainly as an industrial metal, it is strongly tied to the price of gold and is generally more volatile during upside and downside moves of the yellow metal. In times of financial distress and economic calamity, silver tends to behave more like a precious metal with widespread hoarding of gold trickling down. For this reason, it is often called the “poor man’s gold”.

This Is How Bad It Really Is!

May 06, 2016

The 1929 Dow crash marked the start of the infamous Great Depression. We currently have a repeat of the pattern that led to that great crash in 1929. This pattern is basically a huge stock market rally (after a period of stagnation) that is driven by a huge expansion of the money supply (or credit expansion).

Silver Bullion Market Has Key New Player – China Replaces JP Morgan

May 04, 2016

The silver bullion market has a key new player – Enter the Dragon. The Shanghai Futures Exchange in China is replacing JP Morgan bank and its clients as the most significant new source of demand according to a very interesting blog with some great charts and tables published by SRSrocco Report yesterday.

This Rarely Seen Chart Signals a Raging Silver Bull Market...

May 03, 2016

Federal Reserve officials hinted at a rate hike as soon as next month, but that prospect did little to support the U.S. dollar or hinder precious metals. Gold and silver prices have surged to new highs for the year while the dollar made a new low.

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