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Silver Commitments of Traders – Halloween is Arriving Early This Year

April 23, 2016

By that I mean, it just keeps getting scarier and scarier. My guess is that every speculator on the planet is long silver/short gold or outright long silver. That of course is an exaggeration but I am not exaggerating when I categorically state that the silver market is a train wreck just waiting to happen. As I have said before, and will say so again – I would rather miss any more upside in this market than get long now, not with a trade so lopsidedly jammed with speculators on the long…

Blow Off in Progress but ‘Launch Phase’ Confirmed

April 21, 2016

For months now we have speculated in NFTRH that a new inflation phase is in the offing (after the first mover, gold, rises amid global economic contraction) and the thrust off the bottom in the precious metals complex and now the rest of the commodity pack, indicates it is here. However, a mini blow off within the launch phase in silver is happening right now and this will eventually bring a reaction (momentum will blow out when it blows out, which is how blow offs work), which is not likely…

Fun with Comex Silver Open Interest

April 21, 2016

Gold prices remain firm today...with the exception of the $5 drop at the London PM Fix...and they remain at a critical juncture. Price needs to extend higher here but total Comex open interest is back above the 500,000 level and, if recent history is any guide, that's not a good sign.Let's start with the open interest numbers for yesterday as they were exactly as expected. On the $19 price surge, you knew that The Banks were in there, desperately attempting to keep things in check. To that end,…

Silver Bullion “Has So Much More to Give” – 5 Charts Show

April 20, 2016

“Silver has the best-looking chart among all the commodities,” said Andy Pfaff, who as chief investment officer for commodities at MitonOptimal Group in Cape Town increased his allocation to the metal over the past two weeks. “When silver moves, it really, really moves, and everyone wants to be on the right side of that trade.” The metal is up more than 11 percent in the last two weeks after underperforming gold in the first quarter on concerns slow Chinese growth would curb demand in the…

Silver Warming Up Nicely

April 20, 2016

 Since silver hit a low of $13.63 on the 14th December last year, it has been generally up for silver with some predictably wild turns on the way. As of today, silver has risen as high as 25% while its big brother, gold, has seen a parallel rise of 23% to its recent high on March 11th. Since then, silver has been making up lost ground on gold to now slightly outperform gold.But that is why investors buy silver, is it not? It is a leveraged play on gold without some of the risks of holding…

Silver Price Forecast 2016: A Powerful Signal for the Coming Silver Rally

April 19, 2016

The silver price and the US Dollar/South African Rand exchange rate (USD/ZAR) have a very interesting relationship that goes back a long way. Due to the nature of this relationship, I have found the USD/ZAR chart to be a good tool for determining a silver bottom. In Jan 1980, when silver peaked at about $50, the USD/ZAR was trading at around 0.817. Today, the USD/ZAR rate is trading at about 14.366 – about 17.6 times higher than the Jan 1980 rate,whereas silver is trading at $16.2 – almost…

The Gold-Silver Opposites Report: 17 Apr, 2016

April 18, 2016

Well that was interesting. Gold went down over thirty bucks and silver went up over thirty cents. How much longer can this silver rally continue in the face of gold’s nonparticipation? Will speculators really be comfortable bidding silver up to $20 while gold sits at $1200? Do the fundamentals support a higher silver price?

Bill Murphy: Silver – All about the Physical Market; Takin’ These Bums Out!

April 17, 2016

When you dedicate yourself to a project for 17 years, as Bill Murphy, GATA and LeMetropole Cafe, has, it must to be a joyous occasion to see the beginning steps of justice being served. On April 14 Deutche Bank (DB) admitted, in a court of law, their precious metals desk had been rigging the silver market and as the information began to surface it was also discovered that DB had been rigging the gold market as well. This is only the beginning.

Is Silver Getting Ready To Rip Higher?

April 15, 2016

The big buzz yesterday in the precious metals market was the news that Deutsche Bank has agreed to settle charges for its role in manipulating the London Bullion Marketing Association (LBMA) daily gold/silver price fixings. My view on this, albeit admittedly jaded, is that it is akin to the settlement charges being paid by the big Wall Street banks for their fraudulent behavior in the housing bubble mortgage market. Although Deutsche Bank has agreed to “spill the beans” on other banks, I have…

Market Report: Silver stars

April 15, 2016

Silver’s strength in recent days is an illustration of how the mixture of regulated futures, forwards, and over-the-counter instruments creates analytical difficulties. The only reliable trading figures we have are from the CFTC’s Commitment of Traders Reports, issued after a delay of three days. Those indicate silver is very overbought, with hedge funds holding near-record net longs. Yet silver’s outperformance has the clear characteristics of a bear squeeze. What is hidden from us are the off…

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