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The FED Finds a Good Excuse to Extend and Pretend Through Brexit

June 29, 2016

Brexit has happened. Those who are not happy with this reality are making their voices heard; yet, so too are those who are overjoyed to have their liberty and freedom back in their own hands. This divide is glaringly obvious and has been the highlight of the news reel since last week's vote. There has been a flood of articles relating to the matter, and for good reason. This is a historic event and a move that slaps the global elites squarely in the face, something that rarely happens…

21 Incredible Uses for Silver

June 27, 2016

Silver is best known for having extraordinary properties that have made it an effective monetary metal for thousands of years. Currency buffs all know the metal as being rare, durable, fungible, malleable, ductile, and divisible, which match the properties of money agreed on by most economists. Silver, of course, has been used by civilizations ranging from Ancient Rome to the United States for monetary purposes.

The Gold to Silver Ratio is Bullish for Both Gold and Silver

June 22, 2016

There are few guarantees in life beyond death and taxes, but continued currency devaluations, increasing debt, and higher gold and silver prices seem inevitable. Act accordingly. Bill Gross has mentioned a “supernova” explosion in the debt markets. If $10 – $40 Trillion in debt collapsed down to near its intrinsic value, the shock, panic, and fear could push gold and silver prices into the stratosphere. Act accordingly.

Soft and Softer Silver Fundamentals

June 20, 2016

Last week, we asked where then will silver go. Well, the price moved around this week, dipping on Thursday but then rebounding sharply on Friday. It closed up 13 cents from last week. The price of gold rose $24. This week, the Federal Reserve announced that it will not hike rates. Most economists (and traders) have long been expecting a hike (not us). A hike is tighter monetary policy, and therefore not-hiking is looser. Which means a greater quantity of dollars. Which means higher prices…

Silver Sleeping On the Job

June 19, 2016

In this authors opinion, it’s not if, but rather when, the gold:silver ratio will revert to a more traditional number and share price upswings will trickle down to the very few junior silver producers, the soon to be producers, developers and explorers. It’s for these reasons that silver and silver junior precious metal company’s should be on every investor’s radar screen. Is silver on your radar screen? If not, maybe it should be.

How to Use the Gold-to-Silver Ratio?

June 17, 2016

We have debunked the myth that gold-to-silver ratio should revert to its “true” level around 16. The predominant range for the ratio in modern times is rather well between 40 and 80. Moreover, the notion that the gold-to-silver ratio should revert to some historical average makes no sense. The relative valuation between these two precious metals depends on market forces, like the health of the world economy and monetary demand for both metals, or industrial demand for silver. Such factors…

U.S. Silver Imports Surge to Two-Year High While Markets Fall

June 17, 2016

The markets continue to be afraid and for good reasons. The world stands on a knife's edge and central bankers, the ones who are supposed to have "all the answers", have proven themselves to be utterly incompetent time and time again. Sadly, they are so foolish in their actions and their addiction to print ever larger quantities of fiat money, so much so that we now find ourselves in a nearly irreversible scenario, one that will ultimately end in a historic correction or collapse.&nbsp…

Silver Price Forecast: The Alignment Of The Dow, Interest Rates, Debt and Silver Cycles Will Deliver A Fatal Blow

June 15, 2016

Silver Price Forecast: The Alignment Of The Dow, Interest Rates, Debt and Silver Cycles Will Deliver A Fatal Blow Since the inception of the debt-based monetary system (with its fractional-reserve banking), the banks have been playing a nasty game of Russian roulette. The only reason that the system has not blown-up is because the relevant cycles have not adequately lined up to deliver a fatal blow.

Joe Grosso: Golden Arrow Targets a Promising Mining Merger With Silver Standard in Argentina

June 14, 2016

Joseph Grosso is Executive Chairman, CEO & President of a leading junior mining firm in Argentina, Golden Arrow Resources. He has successfully formed strategic alliances and negotiated with mining industry majors such as Barrick, Teck, Newmont, Viceroy (now Yamana Gold) and Vale S.A., and government officials at all levels. Mr. Grosso’s specialty is financing, negotiations, corporate and marketing strategy, and he was an early and passionate adopter of best practices in environmental protection…

Is Gold-to-Silver Ratio Too High?

June 14, 2016

The gold-to-silver-ratio is an indicator that shows how many silver ounces are required to purchase an ounce of gold. The gold-to-silver ratio is one of the most important parameters in the precious metals market, as it measures the relative value of gold and silver. Therefore, it is a useful tool indicating whether gold or silver is undervalued or overvalued relative to each other. Investors can use the ratio as a timing indicator deciding when to buy gold or silver, or which metal to buy at…

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