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Where Then Will Silver Go

June 13, 2016

The price of gold bumped up thirty bucks, and that of silver about one buck. Is this liftoff—when the dollar falls sharply, and the price of each metal in dollar terms skyrockets? Is this the denoument when the gold bug does not get rich, because although his net worth measured in dollar is massively up, the dollar is down in equal measure?

How To Grow Your Gold and Silver Bullion

June 12, 2016

With the zirp, (zero interest rate policy) savings and bonds are not paying any significant interest. In Germany some bunds are paying negative interest rates. Few stocks are paying big dividends and most pay none at all. Everyone is trying to find a decent return on investment without taking on too much risk. The old 5 ¼% savings account interest rates that never seemed that interesting in the past now look mouth watering.

Market Report: Sharp recovery

June 10, 2016

Gold and silver prices were given further upside momentum when Janet Yellen, speaking at the World Affairs Council in Philadelphia on Monday, consequently took a softer line on interest rate rises. Gold, which had bottomed at $1200 on Wednesday last week, took off like a scalded rabbit on last Friday’s jobs release, gaining $22 in seven minutes. If nothing else, the sharpness of the move reflected the high level of short-term bearishness. Anyway, it appears that the consolidation phase of this…

Silver Standard, Golden Arrow forge ahead at Chinchillas

June 07, 2016

Silver Standard Resources (TSX: SSO; NASDAQ: SSRI) is moving forward on pre-development studies that may lengthen mine life at its Pirquitas silver mine in northern Argentina's Jujuy province, by combining material from Golden Arrow Resources' (TSXV: GRG; US-OTC: GARWF) Chinchillas silver-lead-zinc project, located 35 km northeast.

The Cost of Bullish Bets, Report 6 June, 2016

June 06, 2016

Perhaps that mobile phone manufacturer, driven by falling volumes and compressing profit margins, is pressured to approach silver mining companies (and all other suppliers) to see if they can cut their costs. Perhaps they were not bidding up scarce silver at the source, but putting in a lowball bid below market. We don’t have that information, but one thing’s for sure. Silver demand is weak while silver supply is robust.

Jeff Nielson: Single Digit Silver, Confiscation, Golden Black Market

June 05, 2016

The past several months there have been comments from various sources calling for the bottom in gold and silver. There have been a couple of people that stated this is not the case. One of those people is Jeff Nielson, Bullion Bulls Canada and writer for Sprott Money. Jeff, beginning in February, has gone so far as to call the upswing in silver, in particular, as well as gold as being a “fake rally”.

Silver Bullion – Perfect Storm Brewing in the Physical Market

June 03, 2016

Let’s review some of what we know to be absolute facts regarding physical silver in 2015-2016 and beyond. China and India both have massive solar energy programs for each country – which requires, literally, tons of silver China alone will produce over 100GW (gigawatts) of solar power by 2020 (they are currently way ahead of this deadline and may increase the amount of solar power they produce) – this will power some 300 million homes (100 million U.S. equivalent) Morocco has…

Global mints report record silver coin sales for 2015

June 01, 2016

Gold coin sales register fifth best year since 2002, 30% increase over 2014Global investors snapped up a record 89.6 million one ounce silver coins in 2015, according to USAGOLD’s annual survey of global bullion coin sales. The strong 2015 showing follows an equally impressive 2014 for silver coins at 77.9 million ounces and 2013 at 85.4 million ounces. Year over year, silver bullion coin demand was up 14% from 2014. Last year was a banner year for gold bullion coin sales as well – the fifth…

Market Report: PMs consolidating further

May 27, 2016

It is a continuation of the previous week’s trend, which saw larger falls. To date, from 1st January the dollar price of gold this morning in early European trade is up 15.14%, and silver 17.7%. So even though prices have fallen this month, holders of precious metals have done better than those exposed to other asset classes.

John Embry: Explosive Move In Silver Will Dwarf Silver’s Move In The Late 1970’s

May 27, 2016

Meanwhile, the precious metals sector has sprung back to life after a 5-year period of an unabated manipulated price-thrashing of gold and silver. Despite Goldman Sach’s incessant plea for $800 gold, the yellow dog ran from $1050 in mid-December to just over $1300 by the end of April. A 24% rise in 4 1/2 months. In the same period of time, silver ran up nearly 31%. The mining stocks, per the HUI index, ran up just over 130% since January 19. If the general stock market or any of the fast-moving…

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