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Silver Market Morning: May-3-2016 - Gold attacks $1,300, silver strong!

May 03, 2016

The Shanghai Gold Fixings today again show a real rise in the price of physical gold as the number of the Yuan in dollars rose [weakened]. But a significant weakening of the dollar helped the gold price rise to $1,300. The rise in the gold price held in London ahead of the LBMA gold price setting.

Silver Wheaton: The Ultimate Streaming Service

May 02, 2016

Royalty companies can often minimize political risk because they don’t normally deal directly with the governments of countries their partners are operating in. This is especially valuable when working with miners that operate in restrictive tax jurisdictions and under governments with high levels of corruption. Silver Wheaton’s contract with Brazilian miner Vale, for instance, stipulates that Vale is solely responsible for paying taxes in Brazil, which are among the highest in Latin America…

Did The Big Silver And Gold Market Event Arrive?

May 01, 2016

On the US Dollar index chart, I have marked the two fractals (1 to 3). I have also indicated the relevant silver tops and bottoms to show how the patterns exist in similar conditions. Furthermore, if you look on the Dow chart, you will see that the Dow peaked just before point 3 on both patterns. If this comparison is justified, then we will see a big drop in the Dow and the US dollar index soon. This is consistent with my long-term analysis of the Dow and the US Dollar index. While this is…

Market Report: Dollar down, gold up

April 29, 2016

The dollar’s weakness coincides with a growing realisation that the Fed is trapped when it comes to raising interest rates. Following a two-day FOMC meeting, there was no change in the Fed Funds Rate, with the usual jaw-jaw about conditions not deteriorating, so we can expect a rise in rates perhaps mid-year.

Silver: The “Five Year Plan” and the Great Leap Forward

April 28, 2016

Five years ago paper silver contracts on the COMEX hit a multi-decade high over $48 on April 29, 2011. At the end of April 2016 the silver price is bouncing around $17, down about 65% from its April 2011 high. The low occurred at about $13.60 in December of last year, when paper silver prices were down about 70% from their April 2011 high.

Silver Sell Signal Begins Its Long Term Rise

April 27, 2016

It may seem odd talking about sell signals at the beginning of a new bull market for silver, but let us get into perspective what bull markets are all about. Silver has seen strong buying in the retail sector as investors snap up silver eagles and similar bullion coins. Likewise, the silver ETFs as a group are near record levels.

Silver Bullion “Momentum Building” As “Supply Trouble Brewing”

April 27, 2016

“There are signs that this year could be a pivotal year for the silver market,” New York-based CPM Group said in its “Silver Yearbook 2016.” “Silver mine supply is forecast to decline for the first time in 2016, since 2011,” CPM said, noting scheduled closures and planned production cutbacks.

Grave Silver Mistake

April 27, 2016

This is a measure of silver stocks moving from one place to another. This statistic might be important to businesses in the trade, such as refiners and depositories. It is not useful in predicting the price. Ironically, the big gain in ETF inventories may be metal coming from Asia. Metal flows from where it is cheaper to where it is priced more richly. If speculators relentlessly push up the ask price on the ETFs, then they will draw in metal from where it is cheaper. To underscore our point…

Silver Price Forecast: Silver Rally Will Bring Bond Market Collapse

April 26, 2016

On the charts, I have shown how interest rates and silver prices have moved together during the first phase of the 70s silver bull market (1971 to 1974), as well as the second phase (1976 to 1980). I have also marked the big divergence that occurred from 2001 to 2011 (the first phase of the silver bull market). This is the biggest period of divergence over the last 100 years. Since silver and interest rate are positively correlated in the long run, it is almost guaranteed that they will move…

Silver’s on Fire

April 25, 2016

To be conservative—though this risks missing a quick collapse—one should wait to see the momentum peter out. As we often say at times of bearishness, we NEVER RECOMMEND NAKED SHORTING a monetary metal. The way to play this move would be to go long gold and short silver. If the gold silver ratio is 70, short 70 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold you buy. 70 would be an attractive entry point (assuming momentum dies by then). If the ratio rises to 83, then you have a gain of over 18.5%…

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