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Silver Market Updates

Silver Market Morning: July 21 2017 - Gold and silver markets continue to climb stronger than we expected!

July 21, 2017

New York closed only $0.80 lower than Shanghai yesterday and has been trying to follow Shanghai all the way up, with London opening today at a discount to Shanghai’s trading today of $5.06 an narrower discount than we have seen this week. Both London and New York are being pulled up by Shanghai. With this strong Chinese demand the chances of both London and New York breaking through $1,250 are greatly increased.

Silver Market Morning: July 19 2017 - Gold and silver markets continue to climb but the pace may slow!

July 19, 2017

New York closed $2.78 lower than Shanghai’s close yesterday, with London opening today at a discount to Shanghai’s trading today of $8.22, a slightly widening discount to Shanghai. But London is being pulled up by Shanghai. Chinese demand is sufficient to lift prices there, despite the slower rise in the gold price in London. This bodes well for more rises in London and New York.

Silver Market Morning: July 18 2017 - Gold and silver markets continue to climb!

July 18, 2017

New York closed $2 lower than Shanghai’s close yesterday, with London opening today at a discount to Shanghai’s trading today of $7.10, the same discount to Shanghai we saw yesterday. But London is being pulled up by Shanghai. Shanghai in turn was pulling back today from its high as the Yuan strengthened, bringing Shanghai’s gold price to the same differential as it had yesterday.

Silver Market Morning: July 17 2017 - Gold and silver markets are seeing a changed mood for the better!

July 17, 2017

Janet Yellen’s comments Friday were followed by the publication of the latest CPI numbers which showed that the belief that the poor data, issued on Friday, which led the Fed to say it was a temporary setback, looks like turning out to be more permanent. With this in mind and indeed if this proves to be so, we may not see another rate hike in 2017. Equity markets have not yet discounted this, but it is being reflected in the dollar’s exchange rate. Once it is factored in, we expect more ‘bubble…

National Debt Too High, Silver Price Too Low

July 14, 2017

Examine over a century of official national debt data graphed on a log scale. Official debt in 1913 was $3 billion. Since then it has risen 8% to 9% every year to reach $20 trillion or $20,000 billion. Debt will continue rising as long as politicians spend and bankers lend. Proof: Name the Senators, Representatives, Presidents, military contractors, pharmaceutical companies, and Medicare recipients who wish to see the government reduce expenses.

Silver Market Morning: July 13 2017 - Gold and silver are rebounding!

July 13, 2017

Janet Yellen’s comments yesterday made it clear that the Fed wants a ‘neutral’ interest rate, neither higher than inflation nor lower. At the moment it is lower, but with inflation falling in the U.S. the Fed may well delay another rate hike beyond year’s end because they may see ‘neutral’ rates without raising rates again this year. This has softened the dollar, which at one point nearly touched the point at which the dollar falls into a ‘bear’ market. We see that as coming very soon. It will…

Putting the Latest Silver Crash Under a Lens

July 12, 2017

On Thursday, July 6, in the late afternoon (as reckoned in Arizona), the price of silver crashed. The move was very brief, but very intense. The price hit a low under $14.40 before recovering to around $15.80 which is about 20 cents lower than where it started. Buyers of silver are rejoicing. They can now get more money (silver, like gold, is money) in exchange for their dollars than before. However, as we see from the reactions in the community, there were few buyers.

Silver Market Morning: July 12 2017 - Gold and silver have confirmed the bottom is in!

July 12, 2017

The gold price has confirmed the bottom is in and it rose to $1,219 this morning in London. The support at the $1,200 level is very large. But you will note that in the euro, it has barely moved. We see the weakening dollar playing a strong role in the dollar gold price going forward. This means that we must gauge the gold price by looking at it in different currencies as well as the dollar.

Preparing for THE Bottom: Part 3 – Gold to Silver Ratio

July 11, 2017

In the first part of the Preparing for THE Bottom series, we emphasized the need to be sure to stay alert and focused in the precious metals market, even though it may not appear all that interesting. We argued that preparing for the big moves in gold that are likely to be seen later this year should prove extremely worth one’s while. In the second part of the series, we discussed when, approximately, one can expect the key bottom in gold to form (reminder: this winter appears a likely target).

Silver Market Morning: July 11 2017 - Gold and silver want to confirm the bottom is in!

July 11, 2017

Both New York and London turned higher yesterday. New York rose to Shanghai’s level at the close yesterday and London today is pulling the gold price down leaving the differential with Shanghai at just over $9 lower than yesterday’s differential. All global gold markets are looking for a bottom still. But as we mentioned yesterday there is an almost osmotic pressure in London that is shifting physical gold to the Far East constantly, in line with the price differentials between London and…

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