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Silver Is Now Offered At a Discount

July 03, 2017

Have you ever been in a discussion about gold, when someone blurts out “we don’t have enough gold to operate a gold standard!” We have a standard retort. “Oh, that’s interesting. Please tell us how much gold you think would be necessary, and how you calculated it.” We have never heard a coherent answer to this question. Most people just don’t like gold, and will say whatever words they think will dismiss the monetary question entirely, without actually having to address the issues.

Silver Market Morning: July 3 2017 - Gold slipping before the holiday!

July 03, 2017

New York weakened on Friday after Shanghai and London weakened. This morning Shanghai weakened further setting the stage for London to fall. As you can see London is also seeing downward pressure as the U.S. dollar strengthened a little against all currencies bar the Pound Sterling.

Market Report: Half-year blues

June 30, 2017

Gold and silver prices were hit on Monday by a $2bn sale of Comex gold futures at about 0400 hrs EST, when US traders were not around to challenge it. Rumours of a “fat finger” appear wide of the mark. More likely it was a too-big-to-fail bank taking out all the stops to window-dress its books ahead of the half-year accounting deadline.

Silver Market Morning: June 29 2017 - Gold continues to consolidate!

June 29, 2017

Against yesterday’s Shanghai prices New York is now at a $8 discount to Shanghai and London opened at a $17.60 discount. Once again we will see where pricing power resides. We expect Shanghai will show itself as the price leader by lifting London and New York higher. But this sort of day clearly shows where the dominance lies.

Silver Market Morning: June 28 2017 - Gold continues to recover from the massive [mistaken?] sale!

June 28, 2017

The three global gold markets are moving back into line today with London and New York rising to almost Shanghai’s level. New York rose to within $7.32 of Shanghai’s prices down from $16 lower than Shanghai, and London opened $7.42 lifting the discount to Shanghai, from $13.42. This is again, confirming Shanghai dominating pricing power.

Silver Market Morning: June 27 2017 - Gold recovers very quickly from dubious sale!

June 27, 2017

Yesterday, we thought the sale at the open in London must have been a physical sale, but it wasn’t, it was a ‘paper’ sale, where it was thought that someone made a huge mistake selling ‘lots’ in the futures market instead of ounces. The deal was 56 tonnes of gold a massive amount that has not been seen since the gold price was crushed in 2013. Whatever it was, we learned a great deal about the behavior of markets then right up until now and likely tomorrow.

Silver Market Morning: June 26 2017 - Gold knocked back to $1,240 early after London’s opening!

June 26, 2017

Shanghai is leading the way up again as New York closed $2.60 lower than Shanghai’s close on Friday. This morning Shanghai started the week nearly $4 higher than New York’s Friday close as the Yuan weakened against a weakening dollar. We note that the P.B. of C. has stated it wants to trade against a basket of currencies not just the dollar but today while other currencies are stronger against the dollar the Yuan is weaker.

Left wing, right wing, and free markets

June 23, 2017

One of the saddest things about Britain’s recent general election was the level of ignorance displayed by all parties on the broad subject of political economics. I use the term to include both political philosophy and pure economic theory.

Silver Market Morning: June 23 2017 - Gold rising above $1,250!

June 23, 2017

Shanghai is leading the way up again, albeit the rises are not that significant except to give the next direction. The gold price appears to have bottomed in all three global gold markets. We therefore must adjust our assessment of the gold price’s direction accordingly. While the Technical picture still remains a guide, the gold price is showing it must wait for Shanghai to lead the way.

Silver Market Morning: June 19 2017 - Gold stabilizing around $1,250!

June 19, 2017

Hong Kong’s central bank has stated that it prefers a stable exchange rate against the dollar. It is not independent of Shanghai and, judging by today’s exchange rate the People’s Bank of China agrees as we see the Yuan virtually unchanged today. This will allow us to see more clearly the differences between the Shanghai gold Exchange prices and London and New York.

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