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Canary In The Silver Mine

May 16, 2017

Silver bugs may have been disappointed by the recent decline but this is a key accumulation area for investors who want to be part of the next big rally in a profitable way. Many analysts are frustrated with the performance of silver relative to gold. Those days of frustration will end as money velocity stages a dramatic reversal to the upside, but not before that happens.

How Silver Could Rally Significantly Over The Coming Months

May 16, 2017

The silver price and the US Dollar/South African Rand exchange rate (USD/ZAR) have a very interesting relationship that goes back a long way. In the long run, the two move in opposite directions. When the USD/ZAR rate is moving up, the silver price is moving down, and vice versa. Furthermore, when the USD/ZAR rate is making a top, then a bottom in silver is normally very close (before or after the USD/ZAR peak).

Silver Market Morning: May 15 2017 - Gold still consolidating with a stronger bias!

May 15, 2017

The Technical picture is positive today so the gold price should rise steadily today, barring new news that halts its rise. But the main influence on today’s prices comes from Shanghai. While the discount of New York and London have been widening of late it is the lifting of today’s prices in Shanghai that has caused prices in London and New York to suddenly rise. We expect the upward pressure from Asia to continue as the dollar weakness drops prices in India.

A Bumper Under that Silver Elevator

May 15, 2017

We are not mining experts, but we will address (2) by saying that mining shares only go up if the input costs don’t go up as much as the price of gold. And if the company keeps efficiency up, and costs down. And if local tax authorities don’t get greedy. And if mine labor unions don’t get violent, environmental regulators don’t make expensive demands, etc. And if the company finds new ore bodies at the same rate it depletes them.

Silver Demand Shows A Consumer In Trouble

May 12, 2017

Global demand for silver declined from 2015 to 2016 by 123 million ozs per numbers from the Silver Institute presented in an article on The Daily Coin yesterday. In fact, for the demand categories primarily driven by the consumer, demand plummeted 125 million ozs, or 15.3%. Industrial demand for silver increased slightly but this was because of the global expansion in the solar panel industry, primarily in India and China.

Market Report: A pause in the decline

May 12, 2017

Gold and silver found temporary bottoms this week, with gold little changed from last Friday’s close of $1229.4 at $1228 in early European trade this morning (Friday). Silver fared slightly better, rising from $16.34 to $16.45 over the same time scale. However, the recent fall in silver has been very dramatic, the price now only up 2.6% on the year, compared with gold, up 6.4%.

A Look at the Silver/Gold Ratio, Inflation/Deflation and the Yield Curve

May 12, 2017

An email from a reader (of the eLetter, I think) calling me out on trying to make too many correlations in a dysfunctional market (I think that was his bottom line point, and he’s got a good point) got me thinking about the Silver/Gold ratio and some pretty interesting post-2011 dysfunction (so it seems) in the markets.Markets that made sense in certain ways prior to 2011 no longer make sense in the same ways. For instance, the S&P 500 used to be correlated to the Silver/Gold ratio, which…

Silver Market Morning: May 12 2017 - Gold still consolidating with a stronger bias!

May 12, 2017

Demand for gold at the Akshaya Tritiya festival at the end of April was stronger than has been seen in the past confirming the problems with shortages of cash have dissipated. It is clear that Indian demand for gold is, once again, robust. Estimates for this year’s demand [because of positive forecasts for the monsoon as well] have gone as high as 1,000 tonnes. That’s official demand, excluding smuggled gold.

Global Silver Production and Demand DROPS for the First Time in 14 Years

May 11, 2017

For the first time since 2002 global silver mining/scrap production dropped. Silver is a direct reflection of electronics demand and manufacturing. Without silver our world would not be the same. The computer or phone you’re reading this on would not exist. The TV, wiring in your house, just for starters, would not work without silver. Silver is a great indication of how our economy – globally – is growing or contracting. It appears there was a contraction in 2016. Just remember, the economy is…

Silver Market Morning: May 10 2017 - Gold still consolidating on support in a narrowing range!

May 11, 2017

We are seeing the influence of falling gold prices in Shanghai on New York and London, as we commented above, but New York prices are holding on despite no gold ETF demand. This demand has been responsible for U.S. gold prices rising. Until we see the strong move, we expect [either way], we cannot clearly see the way forward. We are at one of those junctures we call a ‘point of resolution’.

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