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Comex Crime Scene Mechanics

May 02, 2017

Between March 24 and April 20, JPM and their criminal pals (deceptively called "Commercials" by the criminally complicit CFTC) issued 42,128 new silver contracts and fed them to the hungry hedge funds and other "speculators" wanting "silver exposure" at The Comex Casino. At 5,000/oz per contract, these 42,128 contracts represented the potential obligation to make future delivery of 210,640,000 ounces of silver. This was silver that JPM et al did not own nor did they have it immediately…

Silver Market Morning: May 02 2017 - Gold is consolidating!

May 02, 2017

Many may think the gold price reflects demand and supply of physical gold. It doesn’t. It primarily reflects marginal supply and demand, speculative activity and the assumptions of the main dealers as to where the market is going. The physical demand and supply of gold is mainly directly contracted between physical buyers and sellers, with the contract price, primarily the London pm price setting, but for a growing number of market professionals the Shanghai gold Fix is being used by both…

Silver Takes the Elevator Down

May 01, 2017

Silver has been falling for going on one year, but clearly since March 1. After one last hurrah at the end of March, it has been taking the elevator down. And by its fundamentals it should be quite a bit lower—0.0125. In any case, we are interested in watching what the fundamentals of the metals are doing. We will take a look at the graphs below, but first, the price and ratio charts.

Looking for Epic Signs? Enter Silver.

April 28, 2017

In yesterday’s alert we wrote that the reversal in the precious metals market should once again not be taken at its face value and that one should not overreact based on it as the size of the potential rally was limited. Well, it turned out that “limited rally” was an euphemism for a decline. Gold, silver and mining stocks declined once again despite the previous day’s reversal and gold stocks confirmed the breakdown below the key support line. The implications are strongly bearish. However,…

Market Report: French election prompts correction

April 28, 2017

Gold and silver were sold down in the futures market this week, after the first round of the French presidential election last Sunday. We are led to believe the hedge funds were bullish of precious metals because Marine Le Pen had a good chance of becoming president in the second round.

Silver Market Morning: April 28 2017 - Gold is holding below support!

April 28, 2017

Shanghai’s gold prices slipped slightly again today, but the discounts of New York and London are narrowing slightly too. But in London and New York, dollar prices are consolidating in a narrowing band implying that we are moving to a point of resolution, after which we expect a strong move either way.

Silver price manipulation, is regulation putting a stop to it?

April 28, 2017

New regulations in 2018 have spooked bullion banks and silver fix operators Lack of liquidity in silver fix auction has lead to high volatility in the market Silver benchmark has strayed from spot price multiple times since 2016 No new silver benchmark operator lined up to take over in the Autumn No smoke without fire as actions point to silver price manipulation Silver remains suppressed and at a low price for investors stocking up

Silver Market Morning: April 27 2017 - Gold building strength below $1,300!

April 27, 2017

The big event in the U.S. was the publication of the new U.S. Tax Code proposed by the Trump administration. While it was in line with his election promises, it has a long way to go before it is law. The market barely reacted to the event. There are doubts as to whether it will pay for itself as it relies on creating growth to generate additional income on which a similar amount of tax revenue will be achieved as is achieved today. Trump’s target is to also create ‘millions of jobs’ through…

Silver Market Morning: April 26 2017 - Gold is slpping through support!

April 26, 2017

President Trump is due to announce the changes in Tax rates he proposes, today. But these will not be implemented for some months still. Meanwhile his policy progress is being interfered with once again as the government’s funding appears to be back on the table as a negotiating tool, this weekend. Will we see a government shutdown?

Silver: Money of the People

April 26, 2017

Over the past few weeks a number of new silver coins have come online and I wanted to bring them to your attention. If you recall at the end of 2016 I wrote several articles about the more “collectible” silver coins that are available to anyone that is willing to take a chance on some really beautiful coins. The one coin that stands out from the earlier series is the America the Beautiful “Hawaii Volcanos” coin. It now commands a massive premium to spot and people are more than willing to pay…

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