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Silver Market Morning: June 6 2017 - Gold poised to attack $1,300!

June 06, 2017

One is guarded about figures from Hong Kong being representative of Chinese demand. Gold enters China from Switzerland but also through Beijing and other ports of entry. In addition, the country mines around 450 + tonnes a year. It also imports gold directly from mines it owns outside the country. So the figures mentioned here are just part of the picture. What we do learn from these is that Chinese demand is running close to record levels. The government has encouraged this as a matter of…

Silver Market Morning: June 5 2017 - Gold consolidating with a positive bias!

June 05, 2017

New York closed $4.17 lower on Friday than the Shanghai Gold Exchange was trading at today ahead of Monday’s opening. London opened at around $1 lower than Shanghai was trading earlier today. These are very small price differences evidencing arbitrage operations at very professional levels [likely banking operations]. We have been watching these markets, as you know, very carefully over the last year.

Safety in banking

June 02, 2017

There was a time when banks acted as custodians of their customers’ money. Indeed, keeping a person’s money and using it as if it belonged to you without their agreement is fraud in common law. A banking license legally exempts banks from charges of criminality in pursuing the normal course of fractional reserve banking business, by making it clear that you, the customer, agree to being a creditor of the bank instead of the bank acting as custodian for your money.

Silver Market Morning: June 2 2017 - Gold consolidating in a tight range!

June 02, 2017

As the gold price trading range tightens to a breakout point, we look at the silver price which is presenting a different Technical picture. If the gold price falls the silver price will tumble according to the charts. But if gold rises the silver price will follow as usual. But such a rise will change the Technical picture quite dramatically to the upside. Either way the silver price will prove more explosive than the gold price.

Silver and NASDAQ Strength Will Reverse

June 02, 2017

Prices for silver and the NASDAQ 100 rise exponentially as unbacked paper currencies are systematically devalued. Expect much higher silver prices because the silver to NASDAQ ratio is too low, along with dozens of other reasons. Consider taking profits out of the NASDAQ to buy silver. Don’t expect to hear this suggestion on Wall Street. Wall Street benefits from higher NASDAQ prices. Wall Street benefits little from higher silver prices, with the exception of JPM which, per Ted Butler’s…

Silver Market Morning: June 1 2017 - Gold consolidating in a tight range!

June 01, 2017

The dollar continues to weaken slightly and the gold price in the dollar continues to rise, as it is doing in all currencies except the Yuan. The Technical picture shows that it is above resistance but has not yet run as it would have done in the past. Instead it is showing a steady plod with higher lows and higher highs. As we have been pointing out in the Shanghai section above, the influence of Shanghai on the gold price is visible. Its slow plod higher, we see, as evidence of Chinese price…

Silver Market Morning: May 31 2017 - Gold consolidating in a tight range!

May 31, 2017

Silver closed at $17.41yesterday after $17.32 at New York’s close Friday. A glance back over the last couple of weeks shows that the silver price pointed the way for gold. It fell just ahead of the fall in the gold price and is now rising as the gold price consolidates at lower levels. Is it leading the way for gold?

A Mining Company for the Smart Money

May 30, 2017

Mining investors are shrewd buyers. These metals hounds shop around for projects with high grades, a robust resource, and strong management. Ideally, they would also like projects situated in favorable geography with abundant infrastructure.

Silver Market Morning: May 30 2017 - Gold consolidating lower before Shanghai re-opens!

May 30, 2017

While Shanghai is closed we feel it opportune re-make an important point on what is going on with the authorities in China, with reference to overall markets there. China wants to gain a reputation of being a reliable, reputable source of prices. This, in the first place, means reducing the volatility, on a permanent basis, that characterized its markets. Its people have become deeply untrusting of equity markets due to its past extreme volatility.

Silver Market Morning: May 26 2017 - Gold moving up just above the narrow trading channel!

May 26, 2017

New York closed $6.08 lower than Shanghai’s close yesterday. London opened today at a $3.87 discount to Shanghai. And there you have it. The evidence is clear that Shanghai is pulling both London and New York higher. Shanghai followed New York on the world clocks with London opening after that. While both London and New York are more volatile than Shanghai, Shanghai gold prices in the Yuan have moved steadily higher over the last few days.

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