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Silver Market Morning: Feb 10 2017 - A strong Dollar/Trump pulls gold lower!

February 10, 2017

We are all getting used to the new Presidential style with difficulty, but yesterday’ statements from the President that the U.S. is about to see a fantastic new Tax reformation incited markets in the U.S. to reach new record highs and gold took a knock of $5 by the close. He is still amazing the U.S., by the fact that he is sticking to his election promises.

NEW! Live 3-Day Silver Price Chart

February 10, 2017

Introducing our new live silver price chart: Last 3-Days Silver Price.

Silver Market Morning: Feb 8 2017 - SPDR investors now include large hedge funds!

February 08, 2017

While U.S. based gold investors have returned to the gold market via the SPDR [GLD] gold ETF, we had not heard of any large gold investors returning until now. Today we have received reports that Drukenmiller, having exited the gold market in December, has returned to it.

Silver Market Morning: Feb 7 2017 - Gold steady at higher levels with SPDR investors still buying!

February 07, 2017

What is now very clear is that if Marie le Pen and her party are elected, France will likely leave the E.U. Yesterday saw a plan to leave the E.U. produced by her party. It could involve a dual currency. Some have said that a dual currency never works. On the contrary dual currencies have pulled several nations out of a hole, including the U.K. in the early seventies. One currency for commercial transactions and another for capital.

Silver Market Morning: Feb 6 2017 - Gold firm in ALL currencies rising from support!

February 06, 2017

Shanghai was trading in gold at 269.85 during today’s session before London opened. This equates to $1,223.06. For the first time in the last month all global gold markets appear in line. The reality is that Shanghai is lower due to the higher quality of gold it prices at $1,218.06. Therefore New York and London are higher than Shanghai. It’s the first time we have seen this, this year.

Silver Market Morning: Feb 3 2017 - U.S. gold ETF buyers are back in force!

February 03, 2017

With Shanghai open today for the first time since last Thursday, we won’t have the two daily Fixes for today until tomorrow. Meanwhile, Shanghai was trading today at 269.80 towards the close today after their return from the big annual holiday. This equates to $1,222.71. This leaves it just $2 higher than the close in New York.

Silver Market Morning: Jan 30 2017 - Gold and Silver holding up well while Shanghai closed!

January 30, 2017

On Friday in New York, there were sales of gold from the Gold Trust of 0.45 of a tonne, not enough to affect the gold price, which rose on the first day of the Lunar New Year, much to our surprise, as we saw the day as opportune for the bears to strike. Instead, bullish positions on COMEX rose as did the price of gold.

Market Report: Consolidating the rise so far

January 27, 2017

The timing of the slight pull back is, surprise, surprise, just before futures option expiration, when the takers who have sold options doubtless wish to see calls with strikers at $1200 and less expire worthless. They have their wish, and on the week gold this morning in early European trade stood at $1182.50, down $28, and silver at $16.70, down 38 cents.

Silver Market Morning: Jan 27 2017 - Gold and Silver weaker after options and Shanghai closed!

January 27, 2017

Shanghai was closed today until next Friday for the Lunar New Year celebrations. Yesterday it traded between 268 and 266.80 but the Fixes have not been released today. This equates to $1,212.38 and dropping to $1,206.95 Which was in line with London then, before New York took it down further as Options were closed.

Silver Market Morning: Jan 26 2017 - Gold and Silver weakening on options and Shanghai closing!

January 26, 2017

Shanghai was trading today around 266.80 Yuan or in dollars, at today’s exchange rate, $1,206.95. The dollar was weaker across the board, but only slightly against the Yuan. We correct ourselves and inform you that today is the last trading day before the ‘Year of the Rooster’ celebrations, which begin tomorrow and end next Thursday. Business will continue next Friday, there.

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