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Silver Market Morning: Sep-13-2016 --Gold and silver looking for direction!

September 13, 2016

Shanghai went $6 higher than New York and London followed this price at the opening before pulling back to New York’s close at the LBMA price setting. We are watching to see if this is the start of pricing in Shanghai separating itself from New York. London’s pricing seems to respect Shanghai and could be asking the same question.

Silver Measures Wealth While Gold Stocks Increase It

September 12, 2016

Given the likelihood that silver will become the new (old) standard by which wealth is measured, the risk of becoming poorer (in silver ounces) is greatly increased. Earning income, from a business or employment remain of the best ways to continue increasing one’s silver ounces, but to maintain one’s real income levels (in terms of silver ounces) increasingly higher income (in terms of other measures) will be required.

Silver Returns Earthward

September 12, 2016

The prices of both metals were down this holiday-shortened (Labor Day in the US) week, especially on Friday. The decline corresponded to a spike in interest rates. Of course everyone watched the action of the stock market on Friday. Whatever the proximate cause, the root is credit. When borrowing to buy assets does not work, then selling assets to repay debt is required. It could be companies who bought their own shares, it could be European banks. It could be leveraged investors speculators in…

Silver Market Morning: Sep-12-2016 --Gold and silver consolidating after sharp rise!

September 12, 2016

Shanghai has always been keen to go higher than London and New York. This is not because there is a shortage of gold, waiting for imports using premiums to attract it to the country. China’s supply from outside describes its huge appetite, which is continuing. Shanghai continues to try to keep its prices in line with other global gold market.

Real and Artificial Threats Create Uncertainty in the Markets

September 09, 2016

The threat to the markets that the FED is currently posing is complete and utter nonsense. It is MOPE. What we have is a voting member of the Boston FED, Eric Rosengren, who stated that the FED is facing significant risks if it waits to long to raise interest rates. He believes that the FED needs to act and gradually start raising rates. ALTHOUGH, it is unlikely that the FED would raise rates too fast, he then went on to explain.

The impoverishment of the masses

September 09, 2016

Beyond basic subsistence, serfs and slaves were not enabled to consume other goods, nor were they given the means to do so. Communism was hawked as handing power to the serfs, or workers, united in and by the state. But again, it meant that workers remained serfs, employed and commanded by a state set up in their name. Freedom from the bourgeoisie became subjugation by the state. Only capitalism, founded on free markets and freedom of choice for all, held the promise of freeing the masses from…

Silver Market Morning: Sep-9-2016 -- Gold and silver consolidating after sharp rise!

September 09, 2016

When it comes to measuring either the increase in Chinese gold reserves or the gold imports to China we must say that the information provided by the Chinese is only what they want us to know. With last month’s announcement of a 5 tonne increase in official gold reserves we read into it that they want all to know they are continuing to increase their reserves but not at a visibly aggressive rate. There are several ways they can increase their reserves but not take them onto their books, …

Silver Market Morning: Sep-8-2016 -- Gold and silver strengthening to attack resistance?

September 08, 2016

The P.B. of C. has taken steps to increase borrowing costs offshore in an attempt to halt the decline of the Yuan against the U.S. dollar. We are still over three weeks away from acceptance of the Yuan into one of the currencies of the SDR. The Chinese do not want any accusations of manipulating the Yuan lower ahead of this acceptance as one of the world’s ‘hard’ currencies.

Silver Market Morning: Sep-7-2016 -- Gold and silver break higher challenging overhead resistance!

September 07, 2016

With the re-opening of New York, yesterday, after a weekend in which they digested the disappointing Jobs report, it became clear that the hopes that had been raised of a rate hike this month were dashed by the report. The jump in prices, seen before the weekend, continued yesterday and caused a massive buy of 14 tonnes of gold into the SPDR gold ETF in the day.

David Morgan Urges Investors to Obtain REAL Money outside the Banking System Immediately

September 06, 2016

In any market, even in a non-manipulated market, which there is probably none. The stock market, bond market, metals markets, futures markets, options… just about everything out there is geared and leveraged and pretty much manipulated by the trading algorithms, and other means, but regardless of that, all markets move up and down. Nothing goes straight up or straight down, and so there are periods where there's profit-taking, there's periods where there's consolidation, that type of thing. So…

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