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Silver Market Morning: Oct-12-2016 -- Gold and silver consolidating in a narrowing band!

October 12, 2016

With the gold price in sterling having risen +37.11% since January 6th we note that the last time the Pound Sterling faced this much exchange rate damage it imposed Exchange Control in the form of the Dollar Premium. Now it simply accepts the fall in sterling, which gives it a huge competitive edge in the exports markets. It is likely to also see a major drop in the Trade deficit. And this is only on the certainty, but not the reality of Brexit, which will not be triggered until next year and…

Silver Market Morning: Oct-11-2016 -- Gold and silver consolidating!

October 11, 2016

We note that the gold price in the euro and the Yuan have been relatively steady. It is in the dollar that the gold price has weakened. The gold price is back in consolidation mode and can go either way. The downside, we feel, is pretty limited but the upside stretches a long way. Nevertheless we look to the New York market, tempered by Shanghai to point the way.

Silver Market Morning: Oct-10-2016 -- Gold and silver starting to bounce?

October 10, 2016

Shanghai is back from holiday. And they were not prepared to accept New York’s physical free price of $1,254 trading $11 - $13 higher. We remind ourselves that Shanghai is the biggest physical market in the world. It is also the first time Chinese investors and the PB o C has had the opportunity to react to the Yuan being one of the world’s leading currencies as one of those making up the SDR. In addition let’s also remind ourselves that there is no love lost between the U.S. and China as…

Market Report: Massive falls in PMs

October 07, 2016

This currency mayhem comes at a time when it is obvious that central banks have failed in their monetary policies to achieve any of their economic objectives. Investors, who have been content to go with the central banks’ flows and routinely invest in financial assets are now faced with a quandary. Do they now assume that easy money policies, including QE, will be abandoned, replaced perhaps by a strong dollar/weak euro/weak yen/weak sterling as a new coordinated monetary policy? Supporting…

Silver Market Morning: Oct-6-2016 -- Gold and silver looking for a bottom still!

October 06, 2016

The evidence is out. 3.2 million ounces of gold futures, not gold, were traded in the first few minutes after New York opened the day before yesterday. This is what caused the fall triggering stop losses. What all physical gold investors find hard to swallow is the gold prices were affected by no physical dealing. Virtually none of these contracts ever reach maturity but are closed before they do so, so no physical gold changes hands.

Silver Market Morning: Oct-5-2016 -- Gold and silver looking for a bottom!

October 05, 2016

We hear on one side that the reason for the fall in the gold price came from hawkish comments by a non-voting member of the FOMC, but that seems unlikely to us. We also heard that ‘rumors’ of a gradual termination of the E.C.B.’s quantitative easing program, but that needs more solid evidence for that to be believable.

October 4: Gold and Silver Fall Over 3% and 5%

October 04, 2016

Gold held near unchanged in Asia and London, but it then fell throughout most of trade in New York and ended near its late session low of $1267.04 with a loss of 3.4%. Silver slipped to as low as $17.726 and ended with a loss of 5.15%.

Key Breakdowns after Silver’s Final Reversal

October 04, 2016

The end of the previous week was rich in signals as gold, silver and mining stocks all reversed along with the USD Index. Gold closed the week below the rising support line and the implications should not be ignored even by those who usually focus on fundamentals alone. Why? Because in the short- and medium term, the important technical developments will shape the price – not the fundamentals.

Gold and Silver Market Morning: Oct-4-2016 -- Gold breaks down through $1,300!

October 04, 2016

The Technical picture shows a break down through support and is now looking for the bottom or are we there now? We do know that at these levels there are many buyers just waiting to get in once a bottom is found. With China in its ‘Golden Week’ of holidays there is little drive to take gold prices higher at the moment. Even U.S. based gold ETFs are now seeing no demand [just small sales].

Willem Middelkoop: The SDR Has Arrived and Silver Should Expect to See Shortages in the Market

October 03, 2016

The renminbi was added to the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) basket of currencies on Saturday October 1, 2016. Nothing changed, the dollar didn’t blow apart and the world is still functioning as normal. Why? Because the people, around the world, still accept their currencies issued by the central bank in their respective country. We will not see any changes to the system until the next crisis. The next crisis could come today, tomorrow or fifteen years from now. The next crisis will be slowed,…

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