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Silver Prices And Interest Rates

December 01, 2016

Many hyperinflations have occurred in the past 100 years. Example: Argentina has devalued against the U.S. dollar by 10 trillion to one since about 1950. The continued devaluation of the U. S. dollar, loss of reserve currency status, and coming massive “stimulus” spending could result in hyperinflation in the United States. Silver will reach incredible prices in such a disastrous situation. Few if any will be pleased with the consequences of hyperinflation, but owning silver will help mitigate…

Silver Market Morning: Nov-25-2016 -- Gold and Silver looking for a bottom!

November 25, 2016

We have pointed out to readers that there are two types of gold investors across the world. Those who use the gold price to try to make [currency] profits, which are then converted into one or another currency, see profit as the goal. Pork bellies would serve just as well if profits were better in that market. With Fund managers being made accountable on a month to month basis institution are measured on their profit making abilities. Markets are structured so that one can deal in a milli…

Silver Market Morning: Nov-23-2016 -- Gold and Silver consolidating at a bottom!

November 23, 2016

We are aware that central banks do not like to affect the gold price when buying and we are also aware that they are not keen to be predictable in their purchases. What is a practical ploy in buying is to not go to the market but to let the market come to them and just ‘accept the offer’ of gold from dealers when they are heavy with holdings. This does not affect the price but does remove available gold stocks from the market.

Louis Cammarosano: Interconnectedness of Silver Eagles and India’s War on Cash

November 22, 2016

American Silver Eagle sales have been suspended for the year according to the Authorized Purchasers of U.S. Mint products. Once again, as we have seen in the past, the U.S. Mint makes a dramatic change without warning. Where else have we recently seen a very dramatic change in policy without warning? India announced, without warning, the ban of the most widely used bank notes in the country – without warning. While these are very different scenarios they demonstrate the absolute control…

Silver Market Morning: Nov-22-2016 -- Gold and Silver finding a bottom!

November 22, 2016

The dollar is lower again, bouncing off the 101 dollar index area there. The dollar is the driver of U.S. prices allowing gold prices in other currencies to rise. While heavy selling continues from the gold ETFs in the U.S. New York will pull prices down. With London being the hub of the developed world’s physical gold market it will pull prices higher as the Chinese banks, via a typically structured ‘swap’ transaction, will arbitrage gold between Shanghai and London, where profitable.

Silver Market Morning: Nov-21-2016 -- Gold and Silver bounce start to bounce off support!

November 21, 2016

Once again, allowing for the difference in the quality of gold priced in the different markets, Shanghai gold prices Fixed gold prices in the morning and the afternoon much higher that New York’s close in the ‘20s not below ‘10 pushing for pricing dominance once more. The dollar is lower and stable at the beginning of this week, but may well try to rise again. Once again it is the dollar’s strength that is making global market prices in currencies and precious metals alongside selling action…

Market Report: Bond rout undermines PMs

November 18, 2016

Gold and silver prices moved lower this week, while bond yields around the world rose sharply. There can be little doubt now that the bond bubble is deflating, inflicting enormous strains on portfolios, banks and even central banks which have initiated QE programmes. The gold price fell from $1228 at last Friday’s close to $1205 in early European trade this morning. On the same time-scale, silver fell from $17.37 to $16.61.

Silver Market Morning: Nov-17-2016 -- Gold And Silver Consolidating!

November 17, 2016

At the moment, in New York, sellers are present but in small numbers compared to the earlier part of the week. Buying continues in Shanghai and as we see in prices in London too. But just before the opening of New York, London moved into line with New York’s close, leaving it trying to match both gold markets. The dollar is calming down and correcting after days of surging against other currencies, but remains over the 100 level on the dollar index. We expect post-Trump turbulence to begin…

Silver and the Train Wreck

November 15, 2016

Silver and gold prices erratically increase along with debt. Given that silver prices are near the low end of their 20 year “megaphone” pattern, expect much higher silver prices. Further, the cost of production is increasing rapidly and the ore quality is declining. Expect prices to increase based on limited supply. Given the precariousness of the central bankers’ fiat currency Ponzi Schemes and the coming realizations about the intrinsic value of paper investments and debt instruments, silver…

Silver Market Morning: Nov-15-2016 -- Gold and silver looking for a bottom, but volatility to continue!

November 15, 2016

When a market is as exuberant as we see currency, gold and silver markets at present, prices always fall too far or rise too high. We have seen that beautifully demonstrated in the last week. With China now taking gold higher we are looking to see just who follows who in the global gold markets. While a market then settles down, volatility rules prices. We expect that to continue, both ways.

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