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CONFIRMED: Banks Rigging Silver Market

December 09, 2016

According to the plaintiffs, records surrendered by Deutsche Bank show traders and submitters coordinating trades in advance of a daily phone call, manipulating the spot market for silver, conspiring to fix the spread on silver offered to customers and using illegal strategies to rig prices.

Silver Market Morning: Dec 9 2016 - Gold and Silver holding their ground!

December 09, 2016

Shanghai prices moved lower today despite more gold ETF selling in New York. Prices in Shanghai were $20.00 higher than New York and $22 above London’s opening [allowing for the difference in the quality of gold priced in the different markets]. With lower Shanghai prices and a weaker Yuan the story that government restraints on the import of gold appear to be ‘not credible’. The continuation of the very high discounts levels to Shanghai prices argue for U.S. gold sold to be arriving in China…

CASE CLOSED: The Fact of Bullion Bank Gold and Silver Price Manipulation

December 08, 2016

Back in April, the Cartel Shills and Apologists attempted to minimize the news that a settlement had been reached regarding a "nuisance lawsuit" alleging price rigging in gold and silver. As we told you at the time and on many occasions since, this case is instead quite significant and very important. The latest update on the case, released late yesterday, sheds more light upon what we've always known was taking place behind the scenes in the "free and fair precious metals markets".

How to Trigger a Silver Avalanche by a Pebble: “Smash(ed) it Good”

December 08, 2016

Assuming the transcripts submitted are accepted and plaintiffs are permitted to file their Third Amended Complaint, the possible pending “avalanche” of settlements in silver lawsuits will speak volumes for the investigative prowess of the CFTC and the DOJ, both of which were commissioned to investigate long running allegations of silver and precious metals market manipulation over recent years, and came up completely empty.

Silver Market Morning: Dec 8 2016 - Gold and Silver building on support!

December 08, 2016

Some reports state that Chinese gold prices were ‘at a premium’ to New York’s prices. It would be more accurate to say that New York prices are at a discount to Shanghai prices in view of the more stable market in Shanghai. Capital restrictions in China have not been confirmed. We doubt that this would be true in view of the government’s encouragement of buying of gold at retail, institutional and government levels.

Silver Market Morning: Dec 7 2016 - Gold and Silver moving to narrowing range ahead of a strong move!

December 07, 2016

With Chinese prices stable at higher levels, it appears that when speculators sell without the backing of physical gold sales prices in Shanghai ignore New York’s prices. Shanghai therefore appears less dependent on the other global gold markets as it walks its own physical gold road. Once U.S. ETF sales halt we should see Shanghai prices take a more dominant role.

Buy Silver – May Replace Gold As Money In India

December 07, 2016

The Indian government has been trying to reduce its citizens’ demand for imported gold through a number of means over the last few years. This is part of a wider crackdown on currency used in the black market, that included the withdrawal and replacement of its two largest-denomination bank notes in early November. The strategy will likely have some unintended consequences if we take our cues from the events of 1910.

Silver Market Morning: Dec 6 2016 - Gold and Silver starting to find support!

December 06, 2016

With the gold price differential continuing to drain liquidity from London to Shanghai and with the Chinese New Year on the horizon we are sensitized to the speed with which gold prices move against sales or no sales of physical gold from the U.S. based gold ETFS. When these sales fall off prices are now rising. If purchases come in we expect to see almost disproportionate rises as the lack of stock makes itself felt.

Silver Market Morning: Dec 5 2016 - Gold and Silver still looking for a bottom!

December 05, 2016

Gold prices in Shanghai are $19 higher than New York’s close and $24 higher than London’s opening [allowing for the difference in the quality of gold priced in the different markets]. Many reports blame the restrictions on gold imports for the differential or on the restraints on exporting Yuan. If this is true, then the demand in China is extremely strong.

Market Report: Precious metals heavily oversold

December 02, 2016

Gold and silver traded modestly lower this week in the face of a strong dollar. The strains faced in currency markets are extreme, building up to a crisis, particularly for the euro. More on this below. Gold, as of morning trading in Europe, lost a further $13 over the week, and silver $0.14. The technical bears are out in force, making up stories forecasting the death of gold and silver, based on the following chart.

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