Silver Stocks Charts, News, Reports and Quotes
CEO McDonald: "These fat zones of moderate grade like 27 meters of 233 gpt silver cored by very high grades of 1100 gpt silver bodes well for building high quality ounces."
VP Hernandez: "La Ye is rapidly emerging as a cornerstone of the Santa Ana project, reinforcing our confidence in the district's capacity for substantial resource expansion."
VP Hernandez: "After launching our regional exploration program, we are thrilled with the amount of geological knowledge generated in recent months."
CEO Harris: "Rob's diverse background in corporate finance and capital markets aligns perfectly with Outcrop Silver's strategic goals as we advance the Santa Ana project."
CEO McDonald: "Hole 171 is exciting with an 87-meter-wide zone of silver mineralization... stepping out 50 and 100 meters southeast of CDH 140 and 125."
VP Hernandez: "Overall, these results confirm high-grade silver and gold mineralization at Jimenez, with several veins showing significant exploration potential based on their width."
Hernandez, Vice President of Exploration: "The consistency of high-grade results we are seeing at Aguilar is exactly what we hoped for and expected. Aguilar's continuous mineralization reinforces our confidence in the quality of the Santa Ana project."
VP Hernandez: "This result provides us with increased confidence that we are executing on our plan and progressing towards the upcoming resource expansion."
Mr. Sprott holds 41,042,800 shares and 2,000,000 warrants, representing 13.3% of shares (non-diluted) and 13.9% on a partially diluted basis, assuming warrant exercise.
Mr. Eric Sprott, through 2176423 Ontario Ltd., a corporation which is beneficially owned by him, acquired 14,285,714 Units for $0.35 per Unit or a total consideration of $5,000,000. The acquisition of 14,285,714 Units resulted in an increase of holdings of approximately 5.7% of the outstanding Common Shares
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