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Silver Market Updates

Silver’s Not-so-subtle Outperformance

June 11, 2018

Silver soared recently and white metal’s rally was accompanied by a huge volume. Those who are new to the precious metals market will probably immediately view this as bullish as that’s what the classic technical analysis would imply. Silver is not a classic asset, though, and classic measures often don’t apply to it. One way to check the real implications of a given development is to examine the previous cases and see what kind of action followed. That’s what we’re going to do in today’s free…

SWOT Analysis: Silver Outperforms Gold with Five Straight Days of Gains

June 11, 2018

The best performing metal this week was silver, up 2.24 percent. A majority of gold traders were either bullish or neutral on bullion this week after being mostly bullish last week due to political uncertainty in Europe, according to the weekly Bloomberg survey. India saw a third straight session of high gold prices due to continued buying by local jewelers with prices hovering around $1,300 internationally.

The Deviant Conundrum called Silver

June 07, 2018

When I was a young lad, there was a classmate (let's call him "Frankie") in the very early years of my education whose behavior was quite often deemed as "peculiar" and while I found him immensely entertaining, the teaching staff and my fellow students did not entirely agree. Frankie was the kind of kid who would bang on our doorknocker on a frigid winter morning just before sunrise, fully clad in hockey skates, gloves and stick, and ask if he could skate on our frozen backyard hockey rink…

Silver – The Original World Currency

June 06, 2018

Silver has been money, and currency, longer than gold. The word “silver” actually translates to “money” or vice-versa in many countries around the world. Any true Christian knows that Judas sold out Jesus Christ for silver. Some theologians have reached the conclusion that Judas sold out Christ for approximately 30 pieces of silver. What would the value of 30 pieces of silver been in time of Christ?

Silver Manipulation Coming to Fore

June 05, 2018

The only remaining question at this point is wether anything will come from this or not. My pessimism says, currently, nothing will change. However, with all the uprising in both the U.K. and the U.S. I am hopeful that change will be realized in our lifetime and these criminal shenanigans will come to an end. Time will tell.

SWOT Analysis: Is Silver Poised For A Rebound?

May 21, 2018

The best performing metal this week was silver, down just 1.34 percent. Both gold and silver stabilized by Wednesday, after real yields surged about 9 basis points the first few days of the week, and then largely traded sideways the rest of the week. Despite the dollar the interest rates continued higher, but at a slower pace.

Incomplete silver COT analysis, revisited

May 21, 2018

In a blog post a week ago I discussed why silver’s Commitments of Traders (COT) situation was nowhere near as bullish as it had been portrayed in numerous articles over the preceding two months. This prompted some criticism that involves a misunderstanding of how I use the COT data. Before I address the criticism, a brief recap is in order.

Ira Epstein's Silver Report

May 18, 2018

On a close under 15.90, you might consider a purchase of a 14.00 Put. On a close over 16.25, consider a 19.00 Call. Once you enter, consider writing a further out of the money Put if you bought a Put or writing a further out of the money Call if you bought a Call. By doing so, you will cut down the amount of risk and cost of the original Put or Call while allowing participation via the breakout.

Silver’s Long Consolidation Looks Like a Launching Pad

May 15, 2018

The primary trend for gold and silver over the past year and a half has been the absence of any clear direction in prices. Metals markets have been stuck in consolidation mode. Yet for silver, in particular, that consolidation has formed a clear and potentially powerful pattern.

The Silver Coil Is Tightening

May 15, 2018

Is silver going to be making a big move sometime soon? The evidence is building that the answer to that question might be yes. Join Mike Maloney for this latest update on the silver market.

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