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Has Silver's Time Finally Arrived?

March 27, 2018

Has silver's time finally arrived? This week Mike Maloney links to several pieces of news and data that show a massive shift in the silver market, as well as a gigantic nail in the coffin for the US Dollar Standard. Be sure to read the accompanying articles and watch the video Mike mentioned for some excellent in-depth analysis on why now might be the time for silver.

Trade War and Silver CoT – Details and Implications

March 26, 2018

Gold soared by the end of the week. Miners didn’t – the HUI didn’t even move above the previous March highs. Silver’s performance was rather mixed, but closer to the one of miners than the one of gold. Why did gold rally? Why didn’t miners rally? How can the silver CoT numbers help in this case?

Buy Silver with Reckless Abandon

March 26, 2018

Look at the positioning of the mighty Commercial Traders, who rarely lose money and who operate under the blinded eye of regulatory oversight and governmental sanctuary. As of last Tuesday, the most powerful group of traders ever to operate under the watchful eye of the Working Group on Capital Market wiggled out of a massive 41,497-contract short position in silver on January 23, and arrived in full regalia this week short a mere 3,709 contracts. To provide some modicum of perspective, the…

Hi-Ho Silver!

March 26, 2018

If the latest COT report for silver gets any more bullish than the one released on March 23rd, commercial traders will have to go ‘net long!’ As it is, they reduced their ‘net short’ position to the lowest number in many years, down to just 4,000 contracts – barely 2% of the total open interest! This is bullish action! As recently as January 16th the number of ‘net short’ positions was 50,000, and the percentage of open interest was 26%.

Silver Speculators Go Short – Which Is Extremely Bullish

March 24, 2018

Friday’s commitment of traders (COT) report for gold and silver offered more of the same. Which is to say the gold futures action was boring and the silver action was strange and exciting. Starting with gold, the large speculators – who, remember, tend to be wrong at big turning points – got a little less optimistic, while commercials – who tend to be right at big turning points – did the opposite. But both groups are still in unfavorable territory, with the speculators too long and the…

JPMorgan's Domination of COMEX Silver

March 21, 2018

So it's easy to conclude that this massive hoard of silver is not customer silver in storage nor is it held in custody as a part of the SLV. Instead, this is very likely JPM's own silver, against which JPM can issue contracts as an alleged hedge. Just as selling call options against a large equity position can yield an investor additional income, we believe JPM sells futures against this physical position. This allows them to manage price and consistently create profits for their commodity…

Market Report: Snoozing Into Spring

March 16, 2018

On Comex, silver remains in deeply oversold territory, while gold is broadly neutral. Silver appears to be following the base metals, which have been drifting lower, while the dollar continues its consolidation of earlier falls. Consequently, the gold/silver ratio is up at over 80, a level that historically has been too high to sustain, as the next chart shows.

Are You Ready For The Next Rally In Silver?

March 14, 2018

In short, the three primary drivers of this rally will be continuing weakness in the U.S. dollar, generally rising commodity prices and the aforementioned Commitment of Traders structure that recently showed the Large Speculators in COMEX silver to be NET short for the first time in nearly 15 years. As you know by now, the COMEX silver "market" is very likely THE most manipulated in the world, given its relatively small size and the dominant, monopolistic positions held by a few major banks.

Silver Does it Again! Severe Consequences.

March 12, 2018

In the free analysis that we posted last Monday, we warned that Friday’s session was likely to be volatile and tricky. This seems to have indeed been the case for silver. The white metal declined early in the day only to rally almost 40 cents from the initial low. In our previous alert, we discussed the possibility of silver topping at about $16.65 and this level was reached. Is silver about to take a dive just like it did in late November 2017?

Silver to Gold Ratio

March 08, 2018

Silver prices move farther and faster than gold prices, both up and down. When long term rallies begin silver often lags gold as in early 2018. The current gold to silver ratio at eighty to one is high. Fifty-nine to one has been the average for 40 years. Prior to 1913 the average was about 15 to one.

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