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A Depressed Economy And A Silver Boom

August 14, 2018

The current bottoming pattern looks like triangle that broke down. However, it actually is very bullish although it still needs to find a bottom. The bearish look of the triangle is creating that perfect panic that is needed before price can go higher. The wise is buying right now while the fearful are selling. It only is important that price does not go lower than the low of 2015.

Ed Steer: When JP Morgan Decides to Stop Shorting Silver, Prices Will Shock You

July 29, 2018

It is my privilege now to welcome in Ed Steer of Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Digest. Ed has covered the precious metals markets for going on two decades now, having written for Casey Research prior to his latest project, and is also a director at GATA, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, where he and his colleagues work to expose the manipulation in the gold and silver markets.

Silver Threads among the Gold: What the Tea Leaves Seem to Be Telling Us

July 26, 2018

The ongoing July silver (and gold) slam has a 2008 feel about it. Important data point elements are different, but there's an air of panic on the part of physical precious metals' owners. "Major trend lines" being broken to the downside; physical metals' buying (in the U.S. off significantly so far on the year; (some) long-term silver holders giving up the ghost and selling their metal below spot.

India Soaks Up Physical Silver Supply

July 17, 2018

Let's cut to the chase. While the price of COMEX Digital Silver is being pounded lower in 2018, demand for actual physical silver in India is soaring. On Louis' chart below, note that the all-time peak in Indian silver demand came in 2015... when the price of COMEX Digital Silver bottomed below $14 and then began a 50% rally to $21 by mid-2016. In fact, the month of April 2018 alone saw India import 902 metric tonnes, the highest one-month total since December of 2015.

Physical and Cryptographic Silver are Asymmetric Trades

July 16, 2018

Most people believe that risk and reward go hand in hand. In other words, in order to reap a large reward, one must also risk a great deal. So, for example, if seeking to double or triple your money, then – should your analysis (or the execution of your trading plan) be incorrect – you would anticipate that your entire stake could disappear in the process.

Silver Bull Market Is Almost Here

July 02, 2018

If the comparison to the 1980s pattern is justified, and the current pattern continues in a similar fashion, then silver will go into a long bear market. If the current fractals diverge from the 1983 fractals by going higher than the point 5 price-level, then the bull market will resume with vigour. In the short-term for a bull market scenario, the price needs to clear the top line of the flag or pennant-type pattern that has formed since point 5, and avoid dropping below the bottom red line.

Can silver rally without gold?

June 29, 2018

The article titled “Silver’s Critical Role In Electrification May Fuel Its Rise” contains some interesting comments about the silver market, but with one minor exception the information presented in this article has no bearing on silver’s risk/reward as a speculation or investment. The minor exception is the high (by historical standards) gold/silver ratio, which suggests that the silver price is likely to rise relative to the gold price over the next few years. However, none of the information…

Silver Could Provide Great Opportunity To Bank And Grow Stock Market Profits

June 21, 2018

The relationship between silver and the Dow is such that significant Dow peaks are often followed by significant silver rallies. It is for this reason that silver can provide a great opportunity to bank Dow profits and even grow them much bigger.

How to Trade in Silver

June 20, 2018

Before I write anything on silver, I must admit that I have been a silver bull ever since I started analyzing silver. I continue to be a very long term silver bull. I am unfazed by silver’s bearish trend over the past few years. I personally invest only in physical silver. I like to trade in physical silver. I am against investing in a silver ETF or any metals ETF. I must thank my friends in Kucha Mahajani Delhi (the gold and silver market in the heart of delhi) for forcing me to analyze silver…

Silver Shares? Nobody Cares.

June 13, 2018

Almost nothing happened on the precious metals market yesterday, or at least that may seem to be the case as the first sight. And that’s true if one doesn’t count the spike in GLD’s volume, but there was something else that actually should have caught one’s attention and it probably wasn’t the case for many gold traders. Silver stocks just broke to new monthly low. What does this tell us?

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