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"Bix Weir Live" A Concert to Free Silver From Manipulation!

Nov 22, 2015 at the Hotel Utah Saloon 500 4th St @ Bryant, San Francisco, CA


You are invited to a "one night only" Special Event: "Bix Weir Live" - A Concert/Event Dedicated to FREEING Silver from Manipulation! The event that will be held at the Hotel Utah Saloon in San Francisco on Sunday, November 22nd at 6pm - the night before the Silver Summit!

Yep, I am dusting off the strings of my old guitars to hold a live concert/show dedicated to the advancement of Silver Manipulation Knowledge. There will be lots of music, drinking, food, presentations on Silver Conspiracies, special guest speakers and guest musicians then more music and drinking, raffles and even AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION DISCUSSIONS all about bringing FREEDOM back into our "FREE SILVER MARKETS."

The lineup of guests and speakers is growing fast and currently includes myself, "Ranting Andy" Hoffman, "Wild Bill" Murphy and "The Silver Guru" David Morgan, Dale Olmstead and Jason Hommel to name a few.

The Silver Conspiracies being discussed will be related to The Electronic Silver Con, the US Mint Eagle Shortages, The Manhattan Project Silver, Mexico's Silver Debacle, The Silver/Gold Ratio, Silver In Your Retirement Account and much more. There will be a lot of interactive Q&A between the audience and the special guests.

I'm even inviting Alan Greenspan to speak about Computer Programming and Market Manipulation although his attendance is unlikely.

Definitely bring your spouses, friends and colleagues as this will NOT be another boring mining conference event! :)

Given that the Silver Summit is being held in one of the original Wild, Wild West Town's of San Francisco I found the PERFECT location for this onetime only event...A 100 YEAR OLD SALOON!

The Hotel Utah Saloon

"Gamblers, thieves, ladies up to no good, politicians, hustlers, friends of opium, goldseekers, godseekers, charlatans, police, fancy miscreants -- they all visited The Utah. And that was when South of Market was just a lonely section of the San Francisco waterfront."

Is that cool or what?!

In keeping with the Wild West Theme - if you have any Wild West attire you are encouraged to wear it for the event..I know that the Road to Roota Staff (Amy & Tomi) are excited about wearing their "Bar Wench" outfits and we can't let them have all the fun again!

More details will be coming out shortly, but if you are interested in attending I'd suggest lumping it in with attending the Silver Summit that starts the next day on Monday morning at the Park Central Hotel only 5 block away from The Hotel Utah Saloon. Here's the link to sign up for the 2015 Silver Summit with hotel accommodation information.

The Silver Summit - 2015

Remember - the Silver Summit and the Bix Weir Live Concert are two different events and will be presenting two different perspectives on the state of the silver market.

"Bix Weir Live" - A Concert to FREE Silver from Manipulation will cost you $75/person which includes a 1oz collectible Silver Roota Coin, food and your first drink. This is a limited attendance event so make sure you sign up NOW to assure that you get tickets...

"Bix Weir Live"
A Concert to FREE Silver from Manipulation

Note: It did not escape my attention that Jeffrey Christian of CPM Group is currently scheduled to hold a "Dessert & Open Discussion" from 9-11pm at the Silver Summit hotel on the very same Sunday night...

Which event sounds like more fun?!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

About the author

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