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CONFIRMED: Banks Rigging Silver Market

According to the plaintiffs, records surrendered by Deutsche Bank show traders and submitters coordinating trades in advance of a daily phone call, manipulating the spot market for silver, conspiring to fix the spread on silver offered to customers and using illegal strategies to rig prices.

“Plaintiffs are now able to plead with direct, ‘smoking gun’ evidence,’ including secret electronic chats involving silver traders and submitters across a number of financial institutions, a multi-year, well-coordinated and wide-ranging conspiracy to rig the prices,” the plaintiffs said in their filing. The new scheme “far surpasses the conspiracy alleged earlier.” –, December 7, 2016

Anyone who denies that gold and silver are manipulated either has not spent time examining the evidence or is financially incentivized to refute all allegations. In other words, they are either ignorant or willfully corrupt. This includes the entire universe of politically corrupt western Central Bankers and professionally criminal Wall Street bankers. But first and foremost it includes all three branches of Government.

Traders discussing on recorded lines ways in which to rig the silver market? Imagine that. Lost in the smoke of the latest revelations about the big bank silver market manipulation is the fact that Andrew Maguire presented evidence of this at JP Morgan over six years ago. Perhaps the most shocking aspect about the latest revelations is that JP Morgan was not cited in the Deutsche Bank court filings.

Although summarily dismissed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and mainstream financial conspiracy, JP Morgan has been the “ring leader” in the silver market manipulation scheme for years.

The latest revelations will never be accepted as truth until CNN or CNBC reports on them to “verify” for the zombie masses that the big banks are indeed corrupt beyond the imagination of “conspiracy theorists.” It will be interesting to see if this will lead to RICO prosecution, which it should:

RICO law refers to the prosecution and defense of individuals who engage in organized crime. In 1970, Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act in an effort to combat Mafia groups. Since that time, the law has been expanded and used to go after a variety of organizations, from corrupt police departments to motorcycle gangs. RICO law should not be thought of as a way to punish the commission of an isolated criminal act. Rather, the law establishes severe consequences for those who engage in a pattern of wrongdoing as a member of a criminal enterprise

The threat of RICO was used to pry open the truth at Drexel Burnham in order to bring down what was, at the time, one of the biggest – if not the biggest – financial market corruption schemes in U.S. history.

The latest revelations are hard evidence that GATA has been right since 1998, when it was founded by Bill “Midas” Murphy and Chris Powell in order to document and expose the gold and silver market manipulation for the world to see. GATA’s evidence has been written off for over a decade as “conspiracy theory.” Now it is confirmed conspiracy truth. In fact, Murphy was banned as a guest on CNBC after he discussed gold market manipulation.

“Fake news?” Hardly. Proof is now in court documents. In today’s episode of the Shadow of Truth, we discuss the latest court documented evidence which confirms that silver market manipulation is standard operating procedure at the big banks who are supported by the taxpayers:

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