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Silver Bullion Is A Coiled Spring and Will “Explode Higher”

Silver bullion’s reluctant, sluggish participation in early 2016’s powerful gold rally has been glaringly obvious. Instead of amplifying the yellow metal’s big gains as in the past, silver largely failed to even keep pace. The lack of silver confirmation for gold’s big move has certainly raised concerns. But despite silver’s vexing torpidity in recent months, it is a coiled spring ready to explode higher to catch and surpass gold.

silver_bullion_April2016Gold (Red), Silver (Blue) ZealLLC

The bottom line is silver is a coiled spring today ready to explode higher. Silver was battered so low in recent years’ gold bear that it’s spent 2016 trading near stock-panic levels relative to gold. Such super-low prices aren’t sustainable, so silver is due for a massive mean reversion higher as investors start to return. Their lagging buying finally began in March, and will soon accelerate and become self-feeding.

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Gold Prices (LBMA)
4 April: USD 1,215.00, EUR 1,068.80 and GBP 854.58 per ounce
1 April: USD 1,232.10, EUR 1,080.69 and GBP 860.20 per ounce
31 Mar: USD 1,233.60, EUR 1,085.50 and GBP 857.62 per ounce
30 Mar: USD 1,238.20, EUR 1,094.12 and GBP 860.23 per ounce
29 Mar: USD 1,216.45, EUR 1,087.71 and GBP 853.04 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)
4 April: USD 14.96, EUR 13.17 and GBP 10.52 per ounce
1 April: USD 15.58, EUR 13.92 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
31 Mar: USD 15.38, EUR 13.52 and GBP 10.68 per ounce
30 Mar: USD 15.38, EUR 13.58 and GBP 10.68 per ounce
29 Mar: USD 15.06, EUR 13.44 and GBP 10.56 per ounce

Mark O'Byrne
Executive Director

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